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I am all stressed, my hands are shaking, so I find the fabric of my dress and play with it to keep my fingers occupied. I am wearing a short beige dress with a straight-across neckline. I really like this dress because of the golden flower patterns on it, making the dress fit into the Fearless era. It reminds me particularly of the "Love Story" dress style. I'm also wearing my hair down in a slightly wavy style with a small golden tiara, Converse shoes, and a lot of friendship bracelets.

I make my entrance into the arena following a security guard. A lot of people are already here. I like to look at everyone, see their expressions, and try to guess their feelings, who they are, and make up fake scenarios in my head. Like that one person jumping with excitement with her friends; she may have never seen Taylor and is so excited as she is her biggest fan. The group of friends singing the songs from the opener may not have seen each other in a while and found the concert to be an opportunity to reconnect.

I sit in a seat in the far corner of the VIP tent. As the show begins, I sing alone in my corner, too shy to interact with anybody. Jack was already there, speaking with two famous actors casually like he knew them forever. He doesn't even look in my direction.

I am still alone when the Evermore era begins. I am mouthing every single lyric of "Willow" when I feel a hand on my back that makes me jump. I look behind me; it's Jack. He has a big stupid smile on his lips.

"Hi, my name is Parker," he says, extending his hand. A little confused, I need a few seconds to remember that we are supposed to act like we don't know each other. I reach out and introduce myself.

We small-talk for a few minutes, nothing interesting, just talking about the weather and how lovely the crowd is. We are wrapping up our conversation when he receives a text. He looks a bit panicked and starts looking around, searching for someone or something.

"What's going on?" I ask him.

"The little girl who was chosen for the '22' hat canceled. We have to find another one," he explains, still scanning the crowd for kids dancing and wearing Taylor's merch or unique costumes. I join him in the search, looking around the stands behind us. I spot a little girl dancing to the songs; I had noticed her dancing earlier. She seems like a good choice.

"Hey, I think I found someone. Look at the little girl in the Midnight dress. She's been dancing to every song and seems so happy to be here," I point out.

He nods and texts someone. A few minutes later, she's in front of the stage, dancing to "22," waiting for Taylor to give her the hat and exchange friendship bracelets.

I tear up a little at this scene but quickly manage to hide my tears before Jack notices. I guess I wasn't quick enough, as he says, "I also tear up sometimes; it's so cute. I think that's my favorite moment of the show. The kids are so happy, and the whole crowd cheers for them."

I look at him, surprised. I didn't think he could be emotional.

The rest of the night goes flawlessly. We talk a little, he even manages to make me laugh. I sing, exchange friendship bracelets, and sing even more.


I am in my room, staring at the ceiling and thinking about what a day I had. Jack—no, Parker—is not so bad after all. He kinda has a heart if we dig deep enough.

He is pretty cute: long brown hair, blue eyes, a sharp jaw, and pretty lips. He must be a good kisser. He also has big hands and is tall, and... Thinking of him like that makes me press my thighs together. I can feel warmth building up down there. I try to think of something else, but it's too late.

I close my eyes and imagine him on top of me, kissing me, touching me. I soon find one hand on my breast and the other massaging my clit. My breathing becomes uneven. As I let my hand drop to my entrance, I slide one finger in and move it back and forth, touching my G-spot. I feel my walls tighten around my now two fingers. A few movements later, a warm feeling travels through my whole body as I cum on my fingers.

I laugh at the irony; I hate that guy, but thoughts of him make me cum. I bite my lower lip as I close my eyes, thinking about the day. Maybe it won't be so horrible dating him after all. Right?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01 ⏰

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