Running Errands

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like every other day of the week my alarm goes off at 7:00. I move as fast as i can to press the alarm off.  I just lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, rethinking the events of yesterday. And trying to reassure myself that this was the right decision. After a few moments, i pick up my phone to see a missed call from Nat, whom I saved as 'Shield lady'. And a message from my dad, demanding me to make a delivery to Spain. It's your guess as to what it is my dear old dad has me running overseas.

But of course, school first. groggily i push out one leg to get out of bed and open the curtains, to be greeted by a view of NY that is just getting ready for the day. Even though I do not like getting up early, i do love the morning ambience. I take a quick shower and get dressed, today in just a dark green sweatsuit, with a white t-shirt underneath and some Mqueens. I look at what classes are on the schedule today and pack my bag. I also noticed that i have to do some homework for math and biology, so i used my speed to quickly do that as well. That's a nice benefit of superspeed, homework and chores take less 'real' time. I go downstairs taking the stairs closest to the kitchen, and make myself some breakfast. I took a quick stroll through the house, but it seemed to be another day of no one being home. I shrug my shoulders, take my keys, phone and backpack and close the door behind me. We live on the 34th floor, so i always have some time to think in the mornings about which route i was taking. Every day i take the underground to school, and just walk a regular mundane route. Not just because i like the scenery and vibe of NY but because it is one of this, like the bond i have with my friends, that keeps me grounded. And helps me remember that deep down i am exactly the same as everyone else.

It takes me around 25 minutes to get to school, Tuesday is my longest classday, starting at 8:00 untill 16:00. I spent the lunchbreaks with my friends and counted down the time each next class untill the final bell finally rang. School was quite uneventfull today, besides the fact, that i kept getting messages from Nat, whom wanted to talk. But i really could not be thinking about that. I had to make sure to go home, and make the delivery for dad.

I already told my friends that i couldn't stay after school, when the bell rang i practically shoved all my stuff in my bag and head out the nearest exit. When my dad asks me to do things for him, i want to do it him, i want to make sure i do them right, because my brother is clearly his favourite, but i still find me needing approval from my father. In the metro on my way home, I sent a message to my dad, to inform the spanish that i will be at the agreed upon location within the hour. The Spanish are not aware of the fact that his daughetr is making the run. Because my dad still keeps my identity hidden. I make the deliveries with my suit on. Which is an all black combat suit, with a mask covering half my face, and i usually wear glasses.

Arriving home, downstairs i get greeted by the doorman and make my way up. I've done this countless times before. Today should be just as easy as all the others. Drop the briefcases, receive the payment and run back home. Don't do anything stupid and don't improvise. I keep reminding myself whilst putting on my black stealth suit.  I know that what i am doing, or well my dad makes me do, is not exactly being sn upstanding citizen. But hey we all have our dark secrets.

My dad always leaves a burner phone on the dining room table beside the suitcases for me to grab when i am ready to leave. There stands the adres on.   It seems like i sm going to Valencia today, oh well there are worse places to run to.

I take one last look at the messages on my own phone, and see one coming in from 'shield lady', saying 'whatever your father said- don't go to the drop site'.  I look at the message and went to the contact to block her. Deep down i know I should listen to someone like her. But i cant let my dad down. I have been reminded over and over again that failure is not an option.

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