Only One More

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Dru paced in his office, running his hands through his hair.

"You need to stop." Kenneth said from behind the computer "You're going to wear a groove into the floor. Besides you don't want to be bald when you meet her." He chuckled.

Dru stopped and glared daggers at him.

Kenneth sighed. "Dru..." he said in a calming tone "I know exactly what you're feeling right now. Remember when I caught Marcy's scent? I was a complete wreck. I was worried if she would reject me or if I would measure up to what she always dreamed her mate would be and you were with me through the whole thing. You helped me through it. I promised myself that I would do the same for you. It's gonna be ok, we're gonna figure it out. We won't let her get away. I promise. Just please, calm down."

Dru let out a long breath. "What if it's the screech owl?"

Kenneth chuckled and dropped his chin to his chest "Then we'll invest in ear plugs." He shrugged.

Dru gave him a tight smile.

"Alright! What are you two up to and why am I here on my day off?" Scott Liston, gamma, third in line, and head of pack security, said from the doorway. He crossed his arms and leaned his hip against the doorframe. "Well?" he looked from one to the other, a smile pulling at the corners of his mouth.

Kenneth gestured to Dru with a nod to tell him.

"I...I..." Dru struggled to say it.

Scott's expression turned to concern. He had never seen Dru at a loss for words. He looked at Kenneth questioningly. Kenneth raised his eyebrows and grimaced.

"What?" Scott asked walking closer to Dru. "Just tell me."

"I found my mate." Dru said finally

A slow smile spread across Scott's face "That's awesome Dru!" He slapped Dru on the shoulder then pulled him in for a hug. "Who is she?" he asked, releasing him then draping his arm around Dru's neck. "Why aren't you happy?"

"We don't know who she is." Kenneth answered for him.

"Well, you get to know her. Most of us don't know our mates at first. I met Jack on vacation." Scott tightened his arm around Dru's neck.

"No, you don't get it. We don't know which one she is." Kenneth explained.

"Ok, back up, explain." Scott looked at Dru.

"Kenny and I went to go check on the cabins and I caught this scent." One corner of Dru's mouth curled up at the thought of it "but there were six of them. I don't know which one it came from."

"So wait, the cabins? She's a human?" Scott looked to Kenneth for the answer.

"No" Dru shook his head "Not a human. But I don't know what, for sure."

Scott sighed and took his arm off of Dru. He chewed his bottom lip and started to pace with his hands on his hips. "So, what do you think she is?"

"Her scent is apples, pomegranates, and..." he paused.

Scott stopped mid pace "And?"

"I think it was yarrow." Dru shook his head "that's what I thought at the time."

"Yarrow? So, she's a witch!" Scott smiled "A powerful one." he chuckled "Dude, Dru, it makes sense." He shrugged "She's gotta keep up with you."

"Yeah, but I don't know which one she is and it could be..." he frowned

"Nails on a chalk board" Kenneth chuckled "So she's a wicked witch."

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