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Another year at Hogwarts starts today. I'm awoken when I hear my sister Pansy yelling at me to get my ass up.

"Abigail! Get your lazy ass up, mom and dad need to get us to Platform 9 ¾!"

How is she already awake at this time? I get out of my bed and throw on my bra along with a pair of baggy jeans and a dark green sweater.

I grab my wand, suitcases and start lugging them down the stairs.

I hear Pansy's unbelievably loud voice. "Abby! What did I sa-"

"Don't get your panties in a twist I'm coming!" I can't help but roll my eyes as I yell back.

Once I finally get downstairs I see Pansy, Mom and Dad waiting at the door for me. Of course I'm the last one to the door.

"Alright are my twins ready to go?" My dad asks.

"I can't believe that my twins are going to be attending there second to last year at Hogwarts, I'm so proud." 

I look at my mom and smile softly. My mothers proud of everything we do so it's used to hearing her say that around the house. Pansy looks unbothered when our mom says this. I guess we hear it a little too much coming from her mouth.

"Alright lets go! Can't having you guys miss the train, can we?" Our father says with a chuckle, he's always been much of a person to make jokes at awkward times or the most random.

We all head out to the car and load the suitcases into the trunk. I hear the trunk close with a very soft click as I shut the car door once I'm inside. Pansy sits beside me in the back with our parents upfront. My father puts the car key in and turns on the ignition.

My mother turns around and looks at us. "Nervous?"

Pansy and I look at each both speak at the same time. "Not at all."

I feel my father put the car in drive and pull out of the driveway. As the minutes pass on the drive, the car is filled with an awkward silence, nothing heard accept the music playing softly from the radio since it's early in the morning.

The awkward silence fills my ears leaving me with my thoughts. My thoughts bring me to an unsettling feeling of being nervous. I've never really been nervous before. I've always been the "Do it, what's there to even come." type. 

I distract myself by looking out the window of the car. We pass the houses, it's the usual to be seen. Cars parked in driveways, streetlights on, the postman throwing newspapers to the people who order them. 

While looking out the window I feel Pansy nudge my arm. I look over and hear her whisper to me. 

"Look it's Granger."

I look out her window and see Hermione. I didn't know we lived in the same neighborhood. But how? We live in a neighborhood of wealthy people. I push the thought aside and go back to looking out the window.

Given the time on the clock of the radio I see that we have about another 30 minutes to get to the train station. I decide to get some more sleep, so I rest my head against the window and shut my eyes. Within a few minutes I drift off into a sleep.

Before I know it, I'm being shaken awake by Pansy. I groan and rub my eyes to get my vision back to normal. I get out of the car and walk to the trunk so I can grab my suitcases from my mom and dad.

Once I grab them, I put them on a luggage trolly. I see Pansy do the same, we say our goodbyes to our parents and push our trollies to the platforms 9 and 10.

Once we get there we stand between both platforms and run into the wall going right through. After doing it for so long, I still can't shake off the weird feeling I get from it.

After that me and Pansy have our luggage loaded onto the train. We make our way inside to the Slytherin compartment and I see our friends already at our spot. I see Pansy run over and give Theodore a kiss.

Our whole friend group works out perfectly because one of us dating each other. 

I sit down next to Pansy and Theodore.  "Is Adrien here yet?" I can't help but ask.

"I'm right here love." I feel him give me a kiss on my head as he sits down.

A few minutes later and the train starts moving beginning our ride to Hogwarts. 

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