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I wake up with a dry throat and a pounding headache. I sit up, rubbing my eyes to try and clear my vision. Once I do, I notice I'm in bed but definitely not my bed. The sheets are black and silky, along with the pillowcases. 

I glance around the room seeing my dress folded neatly on a desk along with my heels on the floor beside it. Did I really hookup with some rando? I glance down at my body and see I'm in someone's shirt that's way to big on me. 

I look around the room some more until my eyes land on a figure with gray sweatpants and shirtless drying their hair with a towel. They have ab's and I can't help but stare. "Like what you see in front of you?"

My eyes shoot up and I'm out of my continuous staring. To my surprise I see Mattheo. "I- uhm. What?" I'm so shocked and nervous I can't even form a sentence. "Relax Parkinson. I'm teasing you." I see him smirk as he chuckles.

"We didn't have sex, right?" I didn't want to ask but I needed to know. "No, definitely not that. Far from it. You were out so bad it was funny."

I stand up and start walking over to where he's standing to grab my dress. But I stumble just slightly, only enough to have him grab my arms to steady me. I look up and notice how close our faces are, I can practically feel his breath on me. "You alright?"

I'm about to say something before I push him out of the way and run into the bathroom, slamming the door behind me. "What the actual fuck Abby?!"

I barely make it to the toilet before vomiting. I hear him walk in but don't give a shit to care. "Jesus Christ Abigail." I can't even focus on what I'm doing because of the vomiting and headache I have.

I reach to brush my hair away when I feel his hands gently pull my hair back and hold it in place. Why is he being nice?


I'm only being this nice to her because I know what it's like to be in this situation. I used to use alcohol to numb my anger and feelings from my father. I still drown out my feelings when I have nightmares caused by him. 

As she's continuing to get all the alcohol out of her body, I can't help but replay how I found her in the Astronomy Tower last night. She was extremely out of it, and I couldn't just leave her there...right?

  Mattheo's Flashback

I was going to the Astronomy Tower to have a smoke after the party. But as I got there, I didn't know there was anyone here with me. Until I saw an almost empty bottle of...vodka? Who the hell just casually drinks a bottle of vodka themselves?

I look around until I see Abigail slumped against the wall smoking. I didn't even get a chance to smoke my cigarette but that can wait. I slowly approach her and lift her chin up between my thumb and index finger. 

I automatically see her eyes bloodshot red, and her breath strongly smells of alcohol. I'm not one to use soft tones but when it comes to people being drunk, I'm vulnerable "Abigail."

She turns her head away and groans. "Go away." I can't help but chuckle at her trying to be demanding. I see her try to reach for the bottle of vodka but I'm able to pull it away barely in enough time.

"Alright, come on Parkinson. We're getting you out of here." I grab the joint from her hand and throw it onto the ground, before crushing it with the heel of my shoe. "I'm fine."

"You're clearly not fine. You're drunk and high out of your mind." I say in a slight irritated tone.

I grab the bag of joints beside her and put in my pocket. before picking her up bridal style. I feel her head rest against my shoulder as I start walking her back into the castle. I start think where I could bring her. Back to her dorm with Pansy, Odeya and Daphne is always an option.

I decided to just head there, but as I'm walking Filch is patrolling the halls with his cat Mrs. Norris. The girl's dorms are still far so I have no choice but to bring her to my dorm. 

Once we get to my dorm I walk inside, closing the door by kicking it softly. I walk over and lay Abigail down on my bed. I walk over to my closet and grab a T-shirt for her to sleep in. I turn around to check on her and she's out cold.

I walk back over and pull out my wand. I close my eyes and wave my wand, whispering "Multicorfors" and after a few seconds I open my eyes to she's changed into my shirt. Her dress is now beside her in a nice, folded pile. I pick up the dress and place it onto my desk. 

I walk back over and crouch down, unstrapping the strap of the heels a little above her ankle. I take of the heels and place them at the bottom of the desk. I then place the covers over her body and then walk into the bathroom to get myself out of the clothes I was in.

I change into some dark green plaid pajama pants, that are a little loose on me, so they show the hem line of my underwear. I unbutton my shirt and toss it onto the floor next to my pants. I brush my teeth and walk out. 

I recently got a couch in my dorm, so I decided to sleep on it. There was no way in hell I'm sleeping in the same bed as her.

I lay on the couch and close my eyes, drifting off into a sleep.


I finally stopped vomiting after what seemed like forever, Mattheo told me what happened. And I felt so embarrassed at him seeing me in that state. He doesn't even know the real reason why I was like that.

He handed me my clothes and I changed in the bathroom; I didn't put my heels back on, my feet are still killing from being in them. I walk out of his dorm and start heading to my shared dorm.

As I walk down the empty hallways, my thoughts drift to last night of how I caught Adrian cheating on me. What did I do? Is it because of how I kissed Mattheo? It can't be, it was just a game of spin the bottle.

I push the thought out of my mind and walk back into my dorm. Daphne and Odeya are asleep, but Pansy is nowhere. She's probably with Theodore if they had sex last night. It always happens when we have parties.

I toss my heels to the side and walk over to my closet. I change into a pair black sweatpants and matching cropped hoodie. I'm lucky it's a Saturday so I'm taking this whole day to sleep and try to get rid of this hangover.

I climb into my bed and rest my head on my pillow closing my eyes to try and fall asleep. As the minutes continue to pass, I can't seem to suppress my vision and memory of Adrian. He cheated on but for what reason.

Has he been doing this for a while? I just want to scream into my pillow and scream for all this pain that I'm feeling to go away.

A/n: I think this was one of my favorite chapters because you get to see a somewhat soft side of Mattheo.

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