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One week earlier...
Jane West
I wake up early before sunrise, opening my eyes to the day I turn eighteen.

A dreadful eighteenth birthday it will be, not one present to unwrap, not a single piece of cake, only abusement I will have to endure.

Abusement I have suffered since I was at age three, when my step- mother left me with my real father.

He used to be a perfect dad, until he got divorced again and has started Methamphetamine, cocaine, marijuana, and much more than I can think of.

And because of that, he's always been screwed up and beats me every single day.

I shrug off the pain and misery, take a step out of bed and enjoy a warm shower. I watch the water pour across the many cuts and bruises spread not only across my arms, but my entire body.

As the steamy water stings through my skin, I try as hard as I can to ignore the pain and focus on what needs to be done.

After shampooing the wavy locks of black hair dangling off my head, as well as cleaning the rest of my body, I carefully step out of the tub and turn off the shower head.

I wrap the small towel tightly around my body and get ready for work.

I throw on the ratty old t-shirt and a pair of loose jeans, absolutely dying to put on some makeup. If I were to even put on a small amount of lipgloss, my father would beat me senseless until I couldn't even walk for awhile.

I grab my purse and quietly tip- toe down the flight of stairs, grabbing a bite of food before leaving to the gas station.


"Hi Maurice! Sorry if I'm late!" I greet my manager, wrapping my arms tightly around her.

"Dear, you're ten minutes early!" She laughs, "Happy birthday! Planning a party?" I frown, "No, I've never had a real birthday celebration..."

I wipe a tear streaming down my cheek as she continues, "That's terrible! You need to have a party and maybe invite some friends!"

"I don't have any friends." I admit.

"Well, you at least should have a nice birthday for once. Once you're done with work, I'm taking you to my place."

"B-but I can't-"

She interrupts, "Yes, you can. You're working the cash register today, you can get started now. But remember, swing by the back room after work. I'll be there."

She carries on to her personal office area, as I begin collecting money from busy customers.

"One pack of menthols, please." A girl that looks around sixteen asks.

"Sorry, but you have to be eighteen to buy a pack." I sweetly inform her, as she digs through her purse.

"I am twenty-five." She flashes her ID at me, as I fetch her a pack of cigarettes.

As she leaves the store, desperately taking her lighter out in a hurry, I think for a moment...

I totally forgot... Since I'm eighteen today, I can buy cigarettes freely...

I shake off the thought, knowing how bad it is for my body and the many chances of my dad finding them.

He looks through my stuff several times a week, finding a reason to get me in 'trouble'.

I look out through the glass door, hearing the wind howl and seeing garbage fly through the air.

Thunder begins to shake the ground, bringing a heavy storm to approach the sky, which means very few customers for the rest of the day.

Hours later, I smile as my shift ends and I may be able to celebrate tonight with Maurice. Once I knock on the back room's door, Maurice welcomes me inside and pulls out a list of phone numbers.

"What do I do with these?" I begin to ask.

"Call them, silly. You're inviting them to your party tonight!" She hollers in joy, as I pull out my phone.

Surprisingly, every person I called agreed on coming tonight and some offered to bring snacks.

"So... Who's coming tonight?" Maurice asks, coming through the door.

"Um, everyone!" I grin.

After being handed my paycheck, we head out of the store, but I turn around to go back inside for something.

I stop at the counter and buy a pack of cigarettes just to try, being only a one- time thing.

"One pack of Marlboro."


"What's that in your hand?" Maurice asks, studying my clenched fingers as we settle inside her truck.

"A pack of smokes..." I gulp, expecting a lecture.

"Honey, you shouldn't buy those death traps."

"I just want to try at least one, I'm eighteen! I want to have at least, one exciting moment in my life!"

She remains quiet for now, as she focuses on her driving and takes me over to a run- down building.

"This place caught on fire two years ago. What are we doing here?" I ask upon sudden surprise.

Not a single word comes out of her mouth, as she leads me inside and awaits for my approval.

"The place is really clean. Perfect place for a gathering..." I admit, as she nods in agreement.


After awhile, groups of people arrive and begin to dance around to the loud- blaring music. I smoke the cigarettes off and on, beginning to like it and enjoy the feeling it brings to me.

But when I get down to my eleventh cigarette, I spot a glimpse of my dad and begin to panic. He looks my direction and marches over to me, leaving me to run and hide.

Just like any other nightmare, he finds me automatically and drags me along to his car. He unlocks the doors and gets inside, waiting impatiently for my shaky self to buckle my seatbelt.

"You know you aren't allowed to stay out at night! What thinks you have the right to smoke behind my fucking back?!" He yells, slapping his hand across my face.

"I'm s-sorry! I thought it would be okay since I'm officially eighteen now..."

"You are never allowed to smoke! Do you hear me?! You're a bitch of a daughter and I expect you to behave!" He loudly yells into my face, as I cowardly sink into my seat.

He grabs my pack of cigarettes and crushes the box into his fist, laughing as he throws the ruins out the window.

"Please don't punish me! I promise, I won't smoke again!" I plead, as he pays no further attention to me and pulls into the driveway of our house.

If this car ride wasn't bad enough, I hate to think of what will happen the moment we get inside...
-Melissa And Darby xx

Darby Horan

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