
39 7 1

Jane West
Harry's eyes illuminate with sudden warmth, tempting me to just walk away with him instead. In which, I do.

As I follow him out the door, Niall chases after us and smacks Harry in the face.

"She's going with me!" Niall screams.

"I don't think so, Niall. Don't start something that you can't finish."

"Fuck you, Harry."

To my surprise, Harry laughs at him like he just said something hilarious and grabs ahold of my hand.

We both walk away quickly, before Harry pulls me into a dark alley and throws his lips onto mine.

We kiss passionately for quite awhile, until we lose our breath and have to let go.

"What was that for?" I say in a hushed tone, blushing madly.

"I couldn't miss out on kissing a beautiful girl..." He cheekily smiles, making me melt inside.

"We better get going, it's starting to pour rain." I shyly say, shivering.

"Here, put on my jacket." Without my consent, he puts his warm blazer over my shoulders and lifts my hands into the pockets.

"Now you should stay warm." He winks at me, before linking his arm with mine and walking us down the street.


Harry Styles
"So, this is where you live?" She asks me, her voice carrying through the wind.

"Sure is." I unlock the door and give her a short tour of my flat, watching closely as she smiles every time I show her a different room.

"And, this is your bedroom?" She blushes.

"Yeah, and the door next to the closet is a guest room."

"Is that where I sleep?"

"That's the plan....unless... You want to sleep with me in my bed." I say with a flirt, making her blush even more.

"I'll think I'll go with the guess room..." I quietly chuckle, while carrying her little bit of stuff into her temporary room.
Jane West
Once I close the door and lock it, I remove my dirty clothes and look in my purse for something warm to wear.

Without any luck, I wrap a blanket around my nude body and walk into Harry's room.

"Whatcha need?" He asks, licking his lips.

"Can I borrow a... Sweatshirt?" I ask, shyly looking down at the floor.

"Will this one be okay? I don't really carry pink in my wardrobe." He chuckles, handing me a baggy grey sweatshirt.

"Yeah... Thanks..." The moment I turn around, the blanket begins to slip down my body until it falls all the way to my feet.

"Cover your eyes!" I yell, completely mortified.

"Better hurry! I might peek!" I run to my room and slam the door shut, shakily slipping into the sweatshirt.

I jump in bed and cover my head with a pillow, hiding away from the embarrassment.

A few minutes later, a knocking approaches my door and for awhile, I pretend to be asleep.

"Can I come in?" Harry says in a muffled tone.

"I guess..."

"I brought you a glass of water." He removes the pillow from over my head and sets the glass on the bedside table.

"Uh... Thanks..."

"If you need anything, I'm only a door away..." After he closes the door, I fall asleep within minutes.


I wake up around ten in the morning and almost forget where I am, until I look at my surroundings.

I get out of the bed and open the door, finding Harry in his bed sound asleep. I tiptoe past him, crossing my fingers that he won't wake up by the slightest sound. Luckily, I make it out of his room quietly and successfully find the hallway bathroom.

I take a look in the mirror and gasp at my horrid appearance of tangled, messy hair, and dull, crust- filled eyes. I splash my face with ice- cold water and rummage through cabinets and drawers, hoping to find some kind of brush to use for my hair.

I almost give up after five minutes pass by, until I come across a small case of combs and picks. I laugh at the large pick and visualize Harry trying to go through his mess of curls with it.

As I comb through my hair I let out a few loud shrieks, due to the pain of ripping through the many knots in my hair.

When my hair becomes smooth and painless, silence penetrates the room in a comforting way and I begin to daydream.

Suddenly, quiet footsteps approach the hallway and out of nowhere, the door to the bathroom noisily opens and startles the hell out of me.

"A-are you okay? I thought a heard some loud shrills." Harry groggily says.

"Um, yeah. I just woke up." Though my logic makes no sense whatsoever, Harry nods his head and goes back to his room.

After I finish getting cleaned up, I tiptoe to Harry's room and knock on his door a little too loud.

"Come in." He says in a scratchy voice.

"Hi, Harry?"

"Whatcha need?"

"A robe." I giggle nervously, while Harry roams through his "wardrobe" once again.

"Here, it might be a little too big." He hands me a pink robe, I laugh some.

"I thought you said that you didn't have any pink in your closet."

"Oh, this is one I keep on hand." He explains, while winking.

I go back into my temporary room and fit it over my body, while pondering what a stay this will be...

-Melissa and Darby

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