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They are not dating.


"Hello, Chris," I said, not glancing up from my puzzle.
"Why do you like puzzles? They're so boring." He said, sitting across from me.
"Yet you'll do them with me for hours." I said as he started helping.
"Anything to spend time with you." He smiled. I rolled my eyes. He's been like this since we became friends last year. A constant flirt. I'm very used to it now. But we're just friends. I don't think he really likes me.
"So when are you gonna go out with me?" He asked, putting a piece in place.
"Never. We're friends, nothing more."
"You'll give in some day."

"Y/N," he crept into my room.
"Hm," I mumbled, staying curled in my ball, trying to make the cramps go away.
"I got you something." I slightly lifted my head.
"It's a heating pad. It's supposed to help." He held it out to me.
"Thanks," I mumbled. He plugged it in, and I slowly sat up.
"I got you some snacks too." He handed me a bag with my favorite thing in it.
"You're the best." I smiled.

"Oh, Y/N." Chris called, coming into my room.
"I made you something." He said excitedly.
"What is it?" I asked. He pulled it from behind his back and handed it to me.
"It's adorable," I smiled. It's a little bouquet of origami flowers.
"It took me 3 hours, but I did it." He nodded.
"Thank you." I hugged him tightly.

"I think my back is broken." I groaned, rolling over and trying to get comfortable.
"Wanna massage?" He asked.
"Really?" I asked hopefully.
"Sure," he shrugged
"Look away," I said, sitting up.
"Cause I'm taking my shirt off."
"Really?" He smirked.
"I'm wearing a bra. But turn." He looked away, and I took my shirt off, laying on my stomach.
"Ok," I mumbled. He slowly rubbed my back.
"That feels nice." I sighed.   

"Chris, be my boyfriend." I said, pulling him to the side.
"Has the day finally come?" He questioned.
"No. There's a guy who won't leave me alone. I told him I had a boyfriend, but he doesn't care."
"Where is he?" He asked more seriously.
"He went to get a drink." I shrugged.
"There you are." The guy came out of nowhere.
"Hi," I mumbled. Chris put his arm tightly around my waist.
"Who's this?" He asked, motioning to Chris.
"Chris. Her boyfriend." He said, pulling me closer.
"Hm." The guy looked him up and down.
"She could do better." He looked up to him.
"Who's better? You?" Chris giggled.
"Ya," he shrugged.
"You're a douche who harasses girls, I think I'm much better."
"I don't harass them. They like it." He winked to me. I almost threw up on him.
"Don't ever suggest my girl would like it." He seemed mad.
"Well she does. Probably wants a real man and not a scrawny little bit -" he was cut off as chris punched him in the face.
"Chris!" I gasped.
"What the fuck?" He groaned, holding his nose.
"Are you fucking crazy." He wiped the blood on his hand.
"No." He said shortly, leading me away.
"Sorry baby. You shouldn't have seen that."

"This movie is awful." I mumbled sleepily, snuggling into him.
"It's not bad." He shrugged. I closed my eyes, slowly drifting to sleep.
"I love you," he whispered, kissing my head.

"I got something to show you." He grabbed my hand, dragging me to his room. He put me in front of a wall.
"What's this?" There's 2 floating shelves, one empty, one full of books.
"Your very own shelves. For when you're here and finish the book you brought, you have more. Or you don't even have to bring one cause you already have some here." He said excitedly.
"Where'd these come from?" I asked, looking at the books on the shelf.
"I bought them." He shrugged. I looked to him in disbelief.
"Do you not like it?" He asked, worried.
"No. I love it." I nodded, "thank you."
"I thought you'd wanna bring some of your own books, so I left this one for you to fill."
"Howd you know I wanted these?" I asked, looking closer.
"You talk about books all the time. I started writing down ones you wanted and made sure you didn't have them yet. Some I just thought you'd like. Oh, and this one I think I might like, so maybe we could read it together?" He held one up.
"You hate reading?"
"But then we could talk about it."

"Happy birthday!" Chris burst into my room.
"Thanks," I giggled.
"I got you McDonald's." He put a bag in front of me.
"Ooo," I smiled, eating a fry.
"How do you wanna spend your day?" He questioned.
"Watching TV and doing nothing."
"Ok, whatever you want." He nodded.
"But I did get you a present." He admitted, looking at the floor.
"Chris," I groaned. "I hate presents."
"I know, but you'll love it, I promise." He said firmly. I sighed.
"Close your eyes."
"Yes. Close um," he smiled, I closed my eyes, and he left the room quickly coming back. He put something on the bed.
"Open," I opened my eyes and a small gasp left my lips. A black cat sat in front of me.
"Oh my god," I said in disbelief. A tail swooshed behind her as she looked up to me. I cautiously lifted my hand to pet her her head. She's so soft.
"You got me cat?"
"A black cat?"
"I love her." I picked her up, putting her in my lap.
"She's adorable," I said as she moved her head into my hand.
"I knew you'd like it." He smiled.

"Stop staring at me, werdo." I shoved his shoulder.
"You're so pretty." He smiled.
"Ya right," I sighed.
"Don't ever doubt how beautiful you are. I've never seen anyone even compare to your beauty." He said easily. Sometimes, I really do believe him when he says stuff like this. No one else can do that.

"What do we think?" I asked, stepping out of the bathroom.
"You look amazing." He smiled.
"Don't you think it's a bit, revealing?" I questioned, looking in the mirror.
"No. You look great." He assured me.

I stayed next to Chris, feeling extremely uncomfortable.
"What's wrong?" He asked quietly.
"I should've changed." I sighed, crossing my arms in an attempt to cover myself.
"It's too revealing, I feel like people are looking at me." I shrugged. He took his jacket off.
"Here," he helped me put it on.
"Thanks," I said, feeling better.

"Happy valentines Day." Chris interrupted my reading.
"Will you be my valentine?" He asked hopefully.
"No," I said, putting my book down.
"Please," he begged.
"No," he got on his knees, grabbing my hands.
"Please, I want you to be my valentine. It can be in a friend way." He pleaded.
"No romance?"
"No. None, I just wanna spend time with you." He nodded.
"Ok, I'll be your valentine."
"This is the best day of my life."

"Y/N, i wanna show you something." He said excitedly.
"Sit on the floor." I did what he said, kind of confused. He sat on the bed behind me and started doing something with my hair.
"Done." He said after a while. I touched my head and my jaw dropped.
"Is this a French braid?" I turned to him.
"Ya. You don't know how to do them on yourself, so I leaned so I could do it for you." He said. A smile grew on my lips.
"That's so sweet."

I've been thinking a lot lately. I think I might like Chris? He's such a good friend. But then we'll just be talking, and I feel the urge to just jump on him. I don't know what to do.
Now we're standing in the kitchen, waiting for our cookies to be done.
"Is it weird to put frosting on chocolate chip cookies?" He asked.
"No," I shrugged. He started rambling again as I thought more. He's the best person in my life. He does so much for me, and really appreciates me, and shows me love. Am I taking him for granted? I stared at him as he spoke, then pressed my lips to his. He imedietly kissed me back, putting one hand on my jaw, the other on my back, pressing me closer to him. I pulled away, and he stood frozen for a second, then his eyes slowly fluttered open.
"You just kissed me." He smiled.
"I just kissed you." I said, almost not believing I really did that.
"You should do it again."
"Ok," I mumbled, kissing him again. His lips are so soft.
"Will you be my girlfriend now?" He asked as we pulled away, keeping his face close.
"Yes," he kissed me softly.
"What's concerned too soon to propose?"

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