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As the jet landed in Watchpoint: Gibraltar, you slung your sniper over your shoulder, and watched as the large metal door slid open, revealing a not-so-inviting courtyard. You took a deep breath before walking out of the jet and onto the landing of the Overwatch base. You pick up your bag as you head toward the barracks, rain splashing onto your head as you dash through the building, eventually reaching the watch tower to attend your meeting with Jack Morrison, commanding officer of Overwatch. You tap your new key card as the door slid open, revealing a dark cold hallway and a maze of stairs, and you groaned at the amount of steps you see before you. The stairwell was so cold, in fact, that you could see your own breath in front of you. But you shrugged it off and continued up the dingy stairs.

When you reached the top, you were greeted with a.. sight. A giant ape, a man with a giant scar on his face, a ginormous man with a ginormous hammer, a small read-head girl with a flail, and a girl with short brunette hair wearing a pilot's coat and goggles. Their chatter stopped as you entered the room, and you gulped, wondering if they were planning on taking you out, before the man with the scar extended his hand to you, leading you up the last few steps.

"Everybody, this is our newest agent, Agent Leilani Ramirez, or Agent Mirage."

"Hiya!" said the short brunette girl, her tea clattering in her hand. "The names Lena, but my secret agent doohicky name is Tracer!"

"It's nice to meet you!" Said the red-head. "Brigette at your service."

"Ah, 'tis a new friend that I spy! HA HAUHAHUA" laughed the giant. "HAAHA- Oh.. oh.. I AM RRREEEEIIIINNNHHAAARRRDDTTT."

"Hello, Leilani." said the monkey with a warm smile. "My name is Winston."

You looked around with a smile, greeting everyone before you all sit down at the table.

"Leilani here is a classically trained assassin, capable of wielding almost anything, but if I'm correct, prefers to use a sniper?" Said Jack, looking squarely at you.

"Yes, that's right." You said. "I was considered the best back in Costa Rica."

"Incredible, we need that. Talon grows ever stronger, especially with the enhancement of Amelie AND  Gabriel."

"They are...?"

Tracer looked around the room before clearing her throat.

"You may know them as Widowmaker and Reaper."

"Ohh, yes. I know of them, and their work. Costa Rica was in a state after they stormed looking for the answers to the omnic crisis."

"Perfect, incredible even. We need you, you need us, but for now, we ALL need rest. So.. off you all go."

Lena scrambled up beside you as Reinhardt took your bags and weapons, babbling your head off about all the great missions she'd been on and experiments she'd had done and adventures and blah blah blah. 

By the time you reached the living quarters, you were so incredibly exhausted that you barely had any time to unpack before flopping on the bed and turning your holovid on to your favourite classic tv show, and slowly shutting your eyes.


The next day, you awoke to your bags been fully unpacked, a blanket over you, the air conditioning on and fresh clothes resting on the back of your desk chair. You sat up, checking your phone before placing it down quickly and jumping out of bed to put your dressing gown and slippers on. You walked out into the hallway to find it brightly lit and.. warm? a nice comparison to your arrival yesterday. You pulled your silk shorts down to cover half your thighs as you trudged along the hallway, yawning and pulling your also silk dressing gown around you. When you walked into the kitchen, there was music playing and people sat at the bench that you didn't clock straight away as you greeted Lena and Brigitte, sitting on the wide lounge couch while aromas of eggs and bacon filled the kitchen area.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01 ⏰

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