Chapter 6

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Crawling from the car, barely breathing. Trying to reach out to something. Blood Is everywhere. It's all over my shirt and hands. What have I done..I'm an animal. I killed my precious love. It's all my fault. I can't remember anything but the fear on our faces asking for mercy, when the car started rolling off the high way to the dark forest in the middle of the night, stealing every happy thought we ever had, and that was the end of it.

Eyes abruptly open. Breaths finally out. Hands holding on to something. Dillon found himself laying on the ground in the middle of the forest, nothing but rusty leaves around him. Car dumped next to the lake looking like a piece of junk. Darkness hugging him, tightly, as if being lost in an endless maze. Dillon started looking around sniffing the blood from his nose realizing he broke his arm. He stood up and  took his shirt off remaining shirtless to wrap something around his broken arm. Destiny will find you, even if you hid in the deepest point of earth.

There's another body laying on the ground. Completely numb. Blanketed with blood. Recklessly running to her crying out loud "ISABELLE-..IS-ISABE-..ISABELLE".

Dillon suddenly forgot how to speak. Dropping himself on the ground, bending on his knees, Dillon grabbed her body and let her lay on his knee. Dillon started stuttering with fear, what am I going to do? what am I going to say? what are her parents going to think of me? they'll never forgive me. "Isabelle, please wake up". At this point Dillon became Isabelle's slave. He gently pulled her near a huge tree and laid her down next to him.

Dillon took her in his arms and placed her head on his cold muscular chest, though his arm was broken, he didn't give a damn because at that moment, he didn't mind breaking his entire body for her. It was only him, her, and the silence of his tears. Never wanting to let go of that angle, Dillon shed a tear then quickly wiped it away because men don't cry.

Softly feeling her face he steadily said "Isabelle, I need you" but still no single response, the tensed atmosphere is only getting tighter. Hope is just turning into a painful feeling. 

 Inception of an outrageous catastrophe is the end of deception. Gently leaving Isabelle laying on the ground, Dillon carefully stood up, not wanting to wake up his angel. He worriedly started rubbing his chin not knowing what to do, completely lost in his own ocean of thoughts. Changing the position of his hands to placing it on his neck, Dillon began walking in a circular form, thinking of a solution. "COME ON" referring to God's help, insanely yelling to the space around him.

He carelessly threw his hand in the air, breathing rapidly and deeply. Dillon suddenly felt like throwing up some heat. Coughing strangely not knowing what's going on with him, he asked himself such a nonsense question. Why am I coughing flames?  Dillon felt completely stupid. Right now! nothing is more important than getting Isabelle to a hospital. Dillon made a commitment to himself that Isabelle must be rescued by her craving lover.

Checking her pulse, he realized she's still alive. A smile cracked on his face but soon faded into wet eyes to the fact that it's only becoming weaker. He grabbed the phone from his pocket. although the number was only consisted of three digits he was severely struggling with dialing the number. Dillon was terrified, he might lose her! and he doesn't want to lose her, he'd rather lose the entire world, but her.

Dillon was finally able to stop his shacking hands to dial the number properly. He was eventually ready to explode and ask for help but there was no answer, yet.

Dillon weakly whispered to the phone "come on.." his temper and anger were rising like hungry fire climbing the walls of a room slowly, hugging each corner of it.

His temper took over, Dillon yelled to the phone as loud as he could "COME ON!" and threw it on the ground.

"911, what's your emergency?". "Hello" the women repeatedly said the same word, waiting for any kind of response.

Dillon swiftly grabbed the phone and angrily replied "Hello".

Pacing back and forth Dillon desperately started speaking "There's a car crash" rubbing the back of his head he looked at Isabelle and continued, sounding completely lost "Highway 39, near the woods there's a body laying on the ground".

The woman interrupted "Sir can you describe her condition?".

Dillon turned looking at Isabelle with complete sorrow in his eyes, then started yelling "She's covered with blood, please save her". He spoke personally "I love her, please".

The woman's tone changed, she felt how much he needed her to be alive, how in pain he was "Sir the ambulance will be there in 15 minutes". Dillon hung up, and simply threw his phone in the air not caring about anything.

Dillon can hear the sirens getting closer and closer and closer. "This must be the ambulance" Dillon whispered to himself then went to check Isabelle's pulse she's luckily, still alive. He pointed his words to the sky, and silently thanked God.

 Coughing more and more Dillon saw a leaf burning in front of him.. 

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