Authors Note

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Okay so I do know that the Book Cover is a bit messed up and I shall fix it, however this is the second story I have made for me and my friends. This will be a huge WIP type story and there will be trigger warning placed in any chapter I do that needs them. I will also put any Corrections into said areas that need fixing. Please note that chapters will be taking time in making. I will be having to go through three different POV's in different chapters. Most of the chapters will most likely be made during the dead of night. Some will be done during early morning to mid-evening. 

With all of this being said, I shall be doing some updates to this story so most people can see when the next chapter will be out, I will not be giving exact timeframes on when they will be finished however due to the three characters in this story, I will be using (Google Translate) For most if not some words. I will only be using google translate for certain words. I will not be doing full blown sentences unless it is of dire need.

Furthermore, please note that I have asked my friends to participate in this story, do not for whatever reason come after me or my friends for certain parts in the story. Thank you for all my supporters and I do hope everyone enjoys the story. 

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