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Felix: Devin try to make Peter jealous.
Devin: How?
Felix: Dance with Y/n
Devin walks over to you
Devin: Y/n you wanna Dance?
Y/n: Uh sure
You were dancing with Devin when you saw Peter staring, you lock eyes and Peter walks towards the woods but you run up and stop him
Y/n: Peter wait!
Peter: What are you doing?
Y/n: I wanted to make sure you're okay
Peter: And why's that
Y/n: I don't know
Peter: I think you do, maybe it's because you wanted to spy on me, again
Y/n: How did yo-
Peter: It's not nice to spy on people.
Y/n: I just- um...
Peter: You what?
Y/n: I-
Peter walks up to you
Peter: Yeah?
You smile and move closer to him, he puts his arms around your waist and looks down at you. You blush and look up at him, you put your hands on his shoulders. He looks into your eyes and pulls you closer so you're pressed against his chest.
Y/n: uh hi-
Peter: Hi
Your lips are inches away from each other.
You smile and start to feel dizzy, you pass out and fall too the ground.
Peter: We have a guest!

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