Neils alive

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Your sleeping on the bed and Peter wakes up before you, he kisses your lips and teleports away
Hooks drinking(shocker) when Pan appears

Peter.You really should have taken my deal

Hook:it doesn't look like i need your help with them after all mate

Peter:oh you think that kiss actually meant something

Hook:i do, i think it means she's finally starting to see me for the man i am

Peter:what a one-handed pirate with a
drinking problem i'm no growing up but im pretty sure that's less than appealing

Hook:man of honor

Peter:so tell me what would a man of honor like yourself do with a big fat secret

Hook:well that depends what the secret is

Peter:Bellfire neil whatever name he goes by these days the guy emma loves henry's father

Hook:what of him hes dead

Pete:no,im afraid not hes alive that's not even the best part he's in neverland oh yes can you believe it i'm sure emma would love to know that henry s father is still alive but id hate for that to get in the way of her budding romance so ill leave it up to you to tell her let's see what kind of man you really are
Pan disappears

Hook: we need to talk. pan paid me a visit he told me that Neal was alive and he's on this very island.
Snow: Emma saw him.. he was shot- he fell through a portal no one can survive that
Hook: well he did, now he's here he said he took off from this
Very camp or it could be part of his Game
Snow: according to pan-if he's telling the truth
Charming: but why would he do it What dose he hope to gain?
Hook: who knows why he dose anything, he has his reasons but it's a sure bet
Snow: he's telling the truth...
Snow: tracks and a scuffle someone was hete
While we were gone-we have to tell em-
Charming: no no no-if this is a game we Can't put her through loosing him Again
Hook: either way, telling her is What pan wants that's why we shouldn't do it
Snow: you want to find him Without letting her know?
Hook: why hurt her unnecessarily
Snow: I've never lied to her before
Hook: you're not lying you're just keeping a secret
Snow: secrets aways seem to keep from the people we really care about.
Charming: and sometimes secrets prefect The people we love
Snow: if we're going to hide this we're Going to need a good cover story
Emma: Where you going?
Charming: get water
Hook: ta-
Emma: guys what's going on?
Snow: Neal's alive

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