Little lost girl

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Felix: Hello

Y/n: Who are you?!

Felix:I don't believe I've seen you around Neverland before

Yn: that dosent answer my question

Felix: we don't get to many girls here In Neverland. How did you get to Neverland anyways?

Y/n: I don't have to tell you anything

Felix: I wouldn't be so sure about that

Y/n: wait.. you work for pan! Don't you!

Felix: I don't have to Tell you a thing

You pull out a knife and put it to his neck

Y/n: what is your name!

Felix: oh he will sure like you

Y/n: Who?

Felix: why Peter Pan himself of corse!

He bags you and knocks you out with pixie dust before carrying you to camp.

Felix: I brought a Present

Devin: who's in the Bag?

Peter: someone who will help, well done Felix bring our guest to the cage

Felix: picks you up and puts you in a cage and a few minutes later you wake up.

Y/n: HEY?!!

Peter: Looks like are lost girl has woken up.
Devin walks over

Y/n: who are you?!

Devin: the real question Is who are you?

Y/n: wouldn't you like to know.

Devin: maybe I would

Y/n: do you think you Could get me out of Here?

Devin: nope

Y/n: why not?

Felix: no one double crosses pan

Peter appears out of nowhere

Peter: Your not going anywhere unless I say so because now you are mine

Y/n: I don't Belong to anyone

Peter: and that's were your wrong, you play a special part in my game

Y/n: you won't succeed villains never win

Peter: Peter Pan Never fails, my little lost girl.

Y/n: Jerk.

They all walk away with a smirk on their face

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