18. Ke....

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Online school was going great but it was killing me not being social everyday well with people my age all the people I socialise with are 19+ and I'm only 12! I sometimes have training but I'm young in the division im meant to be in U12 but I got put in U14!!! Most the girls are 14! Mum trying to get me to be in U16 as they training from like 2pm-6pm on Wednesday and 2-4pm Monday along with Thursday 4-5pm training with a Friday or Saturday game!! But the U14 train Tuesday 5-7pm and Thursday 6-7pm but by that time mum finished training and wants to go home!  She hated the 14 girls training and the 12s are 2 times a week 4:30-6 which isn't too bad but I think it was Thursday and Mondays which are mums short days so that not working!

Rn I'm struggling with my anxiety and stuff from not socialising much! Mum thinks I'm fine and she has lots of stress from work! Plus managing me..! I feel since I've done online school mum more stressed and strict at me! She YELLED the other day which made me become mute! Katie the only one who somewhat clicking that I'm struggling! She spoken to me twice about it! Nothing much just things like "I know your mums being stict and how your struggling but I'm here for you!" Or "Mia, I'd u want u can stay at mine for the night and let your mum sort herself out!"

I don't know what's going on with mum but something happening and Katie for sure knows!

She always on her phone too! She snappy and always angry at me! Or she was being weird like super nice and wouldn't care what I did!

~~~~~the next day *Wednesday*~~~~~~
When I woke up it was around 7am and we normally leave at around 9:45am! I was getting ready for the day and was about to see if mum was awake when I heard a small cry! She was crying? She never cries! I knew something going on and I didn't want to go in an invalid her privacy. I thought I might talk to Katie at training and ask her to check in on mum!!

I cooked breakfast for me and mum! I only cooked a basic breakfast, which was toast and eggs!! I called her down no response! So I just got ready for training and she eventually came down from her room! Her eyes her blood shot but I couldn't bring it up it might make her CRY!  

We got in the car to head to training and mum spoke for the first time
L: Mia... your staying at Katie's house tonight

Then back to silence I knew something was REALLY up!

We arrived and I walked with mum she didn't speak! We went inside and mum seemed more quiet then normal I could tell Lia Walti, in a quiet moment she actually came and asked about mum! Just asked if mum was ok! I didn't want her to worry so i said " I think she fine just had a rough morning". I didn't actually know if she was fine!

After training and school! I went with Katie and of course Caitlin and there first question was;
K: why are you with us what happened?
M: I don't even know the worse
K: how don't you know
M: I woke up to mum crying and she didn't speak to me until in the car saying I'm staying with you that all I've been told she been really weird for I think since I started home school 4weeks ago!!
C: that's not great mi! Is there anything she said that could hint why she like this?
M: mmmmmm no!
K: I'll speak to her at training!! But when we get back to the house we'll have some fun!!!!
M: woo! Ok!

—-we arrived at Katie's house——

We started by just binge watching a few movies then did karaoke which was a vibe but let's just say Caitlin CANNOT SING!
The night went so fast I went to bed around 11pm not knowing where I'd stay the next day! I knew I'd probs go home but I could end up at someone else's house or Katie's again! Which isn't the worst but I wanna go home!

*leah pov*
I had a rough morning and need Mia out the house so I could just cry freely!
She probably noticed somethings up I couldn't even tell her my secret! Not anyone only mum knew! I was thinking to call Jordan or Keria to come down and help me! But I didn't want to say my secret! I didn't wanna tell Mia atleast yet!

I called Keria first:
Hey Ke I need you! I'm struggling and found some good news but I need you I've been crying for hours ke! I need you can you please come to London soon!

Le! I wish I could but I've got a few big matches I can maybe come in like 2weeks! But I know this is urgent! I'll see if I can skip a match and come for a few days or maybe you can come over to Barca! I know this seems tough for u! I will talk to Luce and the club to see if I can come down!

Thanks ke! I know you probs have no idea what's going on but thanks

With that the call ended!

A few hours pasted it was around 8pm here and my phone rang! The name said "Walshy Walsh ⚽️💖" straight away I answered!
K: le! I can't come for about 4 days but I'll fly over Sunday night so around probably 9:30-10 my plane would land so u can pick me up then and I'll leave early morning on Wednesday!
L: really ke!
K: yes really I know u need this! Luce and I spoke and I spoke with the club and they understand!

Keria and me spoke until around 8:30 then I said I'm going to bed!

In the morning I went to training and arrived 8:45am! I was 15mins early so I could speak to Jonas!

L: hey Jonas could I take a minute of your time?
J: yes Leah how can I help you?
L: I've found out some news and thought I should share with you
J: and what would that be
L: I'm expecting my 2ND child!
J: that's fabulous how far along are you
L: about 4 weeks so not long at all! But I thought  I should share with you as I may take a bit of personal time! But please don't say anything to anyone not even Mia!
J: yes of course but please tell Mia soon she seems to find somethings off!
L: yes I will don't worry and thanks for your time!
J: it okay Leah and take care!

I went out a was great by most the team in the locker room! I was slightly disappointed seeing Mia sit in Caitlin's locker not mine! Maybe she was giving me space or maybe she was annoyed at me or something! I felt like I was failing as a mother at this point!

L: Mi Mi!
M: yea mum?
L: you ok i was shocked to see u siting in Caitlin locker not mine!
M: nothing personal mum u weren't in here and I wasn't sure if u needed space or not, so I thought I'd just sit in Caitlin's locker incase u yelled at me for siting in urs!
L: ok Mia!

That truely broke my heart to have my own daughter say she worried I'd yell at her!!! I went out for training and saw Mia watching through the window instead of doing her school work! I found that truely funnnnnnny

After training Katie approached me!
K: Leah! Wait up!
L: yeah K?
K: Mia worried about you! R u ok!
L: I'm ok! Don't worry! I'll speak to Mia tonight
K: ok! She can also stay at mine anytime call whenever day or night if u need her to stay at mine!
L: thanks Katie!

I got myself all ready to leave along with Mia! Tonight was gonna be rough I had a cute big sister box planned to revel it to her! I couldn't wait!

We got home and then I sat her done on the couch!
L; Mia I'm so so sorry for being so moody and rude! I know it's hard on you! I've had a rough few weeks and I thought I owe u and explanation! So..... basically here a present...
*pic of the box*

L: only 4weeks so a month!
M: have u told anyone else?
L: not many people, only Keria, Jonas and grandma!
M: why u tell Keria before me!!!!!! I get grandma as she ur mum! Jonas probably so if there a reason u can't train he knows why! WHY KERIA BEFORE ME?
L: since I need my best friend!! She coming here on Sunday night!!! But she only knows something going on not the details
M: so she knows something up but not that ur having a baby?
L: yeah! Mia u can't post this stuff anywhere at least not yet! Nor say anything to Anyone REMEMBER
M: okkkkkk

After telling Mia I felt a weight lift off my shoulders. I knew I could get her help if I needed or cry infront of her and not have to hide it like crazy! And If I needed her comfort she wouldn't be confused!

Words: 1648

Sorry for not posting much! Life been so busy, hope u like this part!

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