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I don't own solo leveling or Naruto

"Uh geez, it's getting a little creepy down here," Jin woo fretted but kept his panic in check. That is until a piece of rock crumbled and slammed down to the floor with a loud thump. This made the E-ranker jump out of his skin.

"Oh, crap, please don't don't that again!" he grounded out, gritting his teeth to calm his racing nerves. It had been two hours, if his internal clock was working right, since he circled back from the middle path all the way to the left one that he took. He ended up not finding anything to clue him in on the whereabouts of the party back there and he was honestly figuring that he wouldn't find anything on this path either.

All he has found so far were stoned up hands protruding from the walls and floors of the tunnel, sometimes he'd pass by half a body sticking out the ground and he prayed each step he took that he didn't trigger them to start moving.

He rubbed his eyes thinking about how tired he was, but he knew taking a rest was a death sentence especially where was right now and the fact that he had absolutely no one to watch his back.

"Dammit, I should probably turn back. Nothing here to suggest that they went this way at all." he murmured to himself.

Before he turned to head back he spotted a shiny glint at the corner of his eye. He blinked a few times and rubbed his eyes to make sure his eyes weren't playing tricks on him. Lo and behold, they weren't. There was some kind of glistening object further ahead of him, one that he knew probably wasn't a good idea to chase after. But what choice did he have, it was probably some kind of crystal, or essence stone, or weapon he could sell to pay some of the bills.

He knew items from a D-rank dungeon didn't sell for much unless they were a special kind of rare or had unique property or were just absurdly powerful for no reason. He was already past the line of risk vs reward the moment he set foot alone so what was the problem with further risk.

He pressed on.

As he grew closer and closer and the glint grew brighter and brighter, the mix of hands and other limbs in the ground expanded into something of a graveyard, a very creepy graveyard. The singular source of light he combed towards wasn't enough to shake the increasing gloominess of the tunnel, but at least it kept his mind on the prize that he believed awaited him.

Sung Jin Woo came to a stop before a concrete body that leaned back as it was stabbed through the chest by a dagger, the dagger giving off the glint he chased to. His eyes gleamed with joy at the possibility of something going right today, eager to ignore the danger signs in his head telling him that it was a bad idea to pull this weapon from the stone.

For the longest time Sung Jin Woo being the weakest of all hunters has forced him to rely on his instincts and sharp wits to get him out of entanglements that his rather non-existent power couldn't. It was at that moment he swore to himself to never to abandon his instincts ever again because they are the difference between why he's alive today and able to make this stupid, dumb decision today.

Once he pulled the silver dagger from the chest of the stone statue, a concrete hand reached out and grasped Jin Woo by the neck. He saw the statue he thought to be a statue revive itself and chock the life out of him. He futility clawed and scratched away at the stoney hand trying to snap his neck like a twig.

"Ugh, err, crap...!" he strained out as life faded from his eyes. He kicked but only served to hasten his death as the grip grew tighter. He couldn't die, not here, not in this place, not right now. His sister, his mother, his family still needed him, they still needed Sung Jin Woo.

So, he glared right at the two beady red eyes of the stone statue and gripped his newly acquired dagger and stabbed the monster in the eye. For some reason it seemed to have pain receptors and released him from its grasp to grip the new hole in its head. Maybe they weren't statues like he thought they were.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02 ⏰

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