Chapter 7: I really am brain dead

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(Thank you UshankaCat for giving me motivation but this chapter basically doesn't have anything to do with the plot, just showing more characters. There will be a joke ship frukameripanita try to guess what countries are in that ship )

"Can someone give me Soviet's job?"

"Who are you talking to-"

"Shut up I'm disowning you!"


"Number one, you're probably a furry! Number two, all you do is write yaoi all the time, not even yuri or Hentai. You nasty fujoshi!(no offense to fujoshis unless you're one of those really toxic ones) Number three you are an ばか(idiot) can barely do basic math! Number four, you made a anime boy version of yourself just to get banged up by England and America and Italy and Greece in fanfics!(do you get the reference) how pathetic of my former daughter!"

"But mom that was the fic writers do you think that I would want to date my mom and his brother ! And why would I make my mom date their parents!"

"Whatever you're still disowned! I'm getting my brother to look after you."

J.E randomly jumps up like Mario and disappears while saying "I'm going to show everyone your fanfics!"


(No ones POV)

"So you're telling me that J.E Just disowned you?"

"Yeah! And she told me that she'd show everyone my fanfics!"

"Your fanfics can't be that bad, right?"

Japan tries to show one of her fanfics but it's missing
"Shit she took it!"

"Ok do you have more!"

"Yeah but they're all mostly smut!"

She runs to her house which is next door and finds that all of the smut is missing.

And it turns out there's a meeting tomorrow

(Tomorrow France's POV)

I hate meetings but at least I get to see my boyfriend UK there! We don't get to see each other that much anymore after covid  (it's 2024 not 2020) I get ready putting on my meeting clothes
I get finished with breakfast and start making lunch (I have no idea what France would eat)
And get in the car it was raining though but there was a rainbow and its colours were beautiful. Finally I got to the meeting room, the fifth one there so I sat there doing paperwork until everyone came in

We started it was quite boring until an until unexpected visitor came in which was J.E with a bunch of fanfics in her hand. We all mostly glared at her. Until she cleared her throat and said "my former daughter, Japan has been writing these yaoi fanfics about you guys like this one let me read it out for guys"

We were all wondering what Japan had put us down as

"Aren't you supposed to be banging your brothers right now America-san?" "Yeah but I want to bang you instead" "sure"America and Japan made out on the couch until Italy came in. As he looked at the make out session he started crying saying "Japan I thought I was supposed to bang you!" "You can join us dude!" "Hai-""evviva! Graz-"

"What the hell japan!" Someone yelled interrupting J.E

Then that same person mumbled "I'm not a crybaby"

I was disgusted like everyone else besides Japan . "Which brothers was America supposed to do it with?!"

Japan blushed and embarrassedly said "England and France"

England yelled "why me? You could have done Scotland!" As he said that Scotland glared at him

Japan was too embarrassed to speak as she should be.

I was about to jump up and rip the fanfic but I stopped myself.

"God, I can't believe I said "they can't be that bad"earlier. I might disown you too Japan." America sighed

"But mummy I won't make any more fanfics about you dating your father figures "

"Wait you have more fanfics which are about just that!?"


"Can I leave now?" I ask J.E


Soon everyone left being no reason to stay

(I forgot how having motivation feels like and this chapter basically did nothing for the plot but anyway goodbye and I hope you have a wonderful day/night!❤️)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03 ⏰

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