The visitor

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It was a day with a very pleasant and beautiful atmosphere. Anna and Lily were playing in their garden, their laughter ringing through the air. Suddenly, a lady from the neighborhood approached them, her face adorned with a mysterious smile. She asked for their mother.

Anna and Lily called out together, "Mom, come here!" Their mother, hearing the urgency in their voices, quickly came over. The lady pulled her aside, away from the children's curious eyes, and began a hushed conversation. Anna and Lily tried to listen in, but the words were too soft to catch.

When the conversation ended, their mother's face had changed. It was now pale and her eyes were filled with fear. Anna and Lily, sensing something was wrong, asked their mother about the sudden change. But she said nothing, instead taking their hands and rushing them inside the house.

Once inside, with an anxious voice, she said, "Do you know what the lady told me?" Both children shook their heads, their curiosity piqued.

"The story about the old lady that Lily once told is true," their mother began, her voice trembling. "The tree in our backyard, the one we admire every day, is the tree of Elizabeth, an old lady. This place is haunted. At night, the old lady comes out of the tree and tries to attack anyone who is outside their house."

The children began to cry, fear gripping their young hearts. They were only seven and ten years old. Their mother hugged them tightly, trying to offer comfort. "We can live here without fear as long as we do not go outside at night. Many people live here without fear," she assured them.

"But, Mom," Anna interrupted, her voice a mix of disbelief and defiance, "ghosts aren't real, and the tree is so beautiful."

Their mother, her eyes brimming with tears, replied, "We will be alright as long as we don't step outside at night. From now on, we are all going to sleep in the same room, okay?"

Anna's fear gave way to excitement. "Wow! That's so good! I always wanted to sleep with you, Mom!"

Despite Anna's enthusiasm, their mother couldn't shake the fear that gripped her. The neighbor had described in gruesome detail the brutal acts of the old lady's spirit. She hugged her children tighter, trying to shield them from the unseen menace.

"Can I go and watch the tree now from the kitchen?" Anna asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.

Her mother looked at her with a mix of fear and love, struggling to find the right words. "No, Anna," she finally said, her voice soft but firm. "It's best if we all stay away from the tree for now. Let's just stay together and keep safe."

With that, the small family huddled close, the ominous tree looming silently outside, a beautiful yet terrifying reminder of the stories that haunt the night.

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