Battle Ground

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Hey gems!!! Here's this chapter xxx

I'm having a bad day so I didn't bother to proof read. Sorry for any errors xxx


Minho snapped awake. He heard voices from above. They were talking about something happening in the village.

Suddenly he heard rushed footsteps.

The door flew open.

"The wolves attacked Star Village last night! They were looking for all of you. I have a daughter. I'm sorry you need to leave." He said urgently.

Bodies stirred in confusion.

Minho's face hardened.

"I understand, thank you. " he said.

Minho quickly caught everyone up and they were out the door within minutes. The man was kind enough to spare their car (as long as they left immediately)

Hongjoong offered to drive. Lino sat in the passenger seat.

Changbin, Woo Young and Felix sat in the back. Seungmin sat on Felix's lap in his puppy form. Hearing that the wolves attacked the village and is after them caused him distress.




Minho's POV

Fuck, I wasn't expecting them to catch our scent so quickly. I look at the time. 7:15 A.M.

We should have traveled in the air. Chan could have asked Yeonjunnie. His mate owns a jet.

Ugh whatever I need to deal with this and protect everyone.


He's going to lose his shit.


Chan's POV

We were about 2 hours into the trip. The lake was gentle, the sky was blue and the wind was perfect. Not too little but not too much.

We own a cabin cruiser. A gift of appreciation from a previous client who enjoyed the songs I produced.

He was the only one up while everyone else was sleeping.


Minho? Is he okay? He sounds off.

"Yeah? Is everything okay?"

"Hyung, we had to set back on foot. The wolves are on our trail. I don't know how close or far they are."

My blood ran cold.

"What?! Shit baby" I said.

What should I do? What can I do?! If any of them wolves try me-

"Baby, please be careful. We're almost at Haven. I can get them situated and come find you all. You are all so strong. Take care of each other " I said .

I'm stressed. I can't be there now. They need me here. I'm far away. I can't protect my mates.. Jeongin..

I gripped the wheel.



Felix's POV

I'm nervous, as fuck! I smiled and looked down seeing the pup cuddle closer into my stomach.

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