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Jake- Hey Bro, You free now?
Sunghoon- NO! What do you want?
Jake- Chill, what's the matter with you?
Sunghoon- Sry, don't have time now. Jungwonie is here
Jake- Cool, I'm coming over

Sunghoon panicked.

Sunghoon- NO! You can't
Jake- Why tho? I want to hangout with Jungwonie too :(
Sunghoon- I'll explain later.. promise. We can meet tomorrow
Jake- Ok? I hope it's a damn good excuse Park Sunghoon!

It sounded rude but Sunghoon knew Jake was just joking.

Sunghoon- Ok Mom, can I now spend time with my Jungwonie?
Jake- My? You're in love or what?
Sunghoon- Patience my friend..

Sunghoon grinned at his phone before he put it on mute. He surely didn't't want another interruption from his time with Jungwon. He made his way to him and sat beside him on the couch. Jungwon glanced at him: „What are you thinking right now hyung, what do we want to do?"
Subghoon now sat sideways to face Jungwon and replied: „Whatever you want to do kitty, it's up to you." „Really"? Jungwon asked excited with his eyes sparkling. Sunghoon couldn't help but smile. He was in trance with his younger friends cuteness.
„Hyung, let's eat something. I haven't eaten anything yet." Sunghoons smile dropped rapidly. A serious face full of concern now. „Why haven't you eaten?" Jungwon just shrugged nervously and grabbed the back of his hair with his hand. It's an old habit of him when he's nervous or flustered. The seriousness of Sunghoon unsettled him.
„I had no time, You asked me to hangout and I had tasks before I could come over so yeah.." Sunghoon looked angry now making Jungwons anxiety go further up.
„Yang Jungwon!"
It was never good when the older called hin by his full name. That means he's really angry. Sunghoon used his full name just twice since they've known eachother. One time he broke Sunghoons favorite mug, that his late grandma gifted him before she passed. Sunghoon was furious that time and Jungwon remembered crying and pleading hours to get his hyungs forgiveness. In the end, Sunghoon cried with him and hugged him saying he was sorry too for getting so mad.
The second time Jungwon tested his hyungs patience a bit too much but it was not that serious in the end.

Now Jungwon sat still, anxiously waiting to be scolded. He closed his eyes and let his head sink down low.
After ten seconds of silence he slowly lifted his head up to see Sunghoon smiling at him. Jungwon was confused.
„You should have eaten kitty, promise, you won't do something like this again ok?" Sunghoon stated softly and calm. The sight of the younger was just too cute to get angry. He just couldn't get mad at him. He doubted he could ever be mad again, when Jungwon looks at him like a kicked puppy.

Jungwon looked surprised by his sudden change of voice and smiled at him shyly.
>Adorable!< Everything in Sunghoon screams.
„So, let's cook something my kitty." Sunghoon suggested. Now Jungwon was getting more shy again but didn't break the eye contact between them. The older found it amusing and leaned closer to him and whispered: „Am I that handsome, kitty?" He was feeling bold now and lifted his right hand to pat the youngers head.
Jungwon let it happen and Sunghoon stopped his hand, that was now just resting on Jungwons head. The realisation hit Jungwon first and he suddenly cleared his throat and stood up to head to the kitchen with his words sounding unsure: „So, let's cook something now hyung!"
Sunghoon trailed behind him, a slight pout on his face. He craved more and he knew it. His stomach was doing flips just thinking of the possibility that Jungwon felt something too from that moment on the couch just now. He would be thrilled but he was also scared hurting his kitty because of the monster he naturally is. The thought of loosing Jungwon was enough to loose his excitement and calm down. He needed to distance himself, but he already knew that it would be a loosing game. He liked Jungwon to much to let him go. It was selfish Sunghoon knew but he's a weak man. He just hoped, he wouldn't come obsessed with the thought of having the younger always with him. Sunghoon was namely a possessive person and he could get quiet scary when it came to his possessions. So the safest option for Jungwon would be to just simply not like Sunghoon back. It was the best for everyone. Once Jungwon would be his, Sunghoon would never let him go again and it could be dangerous for everyone around them..

This time a quick update. Might writing again tomorrow or on Sunday.

Stay tuned and have a nice weekend!

Blood Bond 🧛🏻🩸 -Sunghoon + JungwonWhere stories live. Discover now