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So yeah.. what could go wrong?
Jungwon next to him in his arms with Sunghoons shirt on him.. How did they even get there? Sunghoon laid awake rethinking all of his life choices. Was this pure heaven or a punishment for being a monster? He wasn't so sure.

Before they went to sleep, the younger stood in front of him with round eyes and a pout on his lips and Sunghoon instantly knew that he was up to no good. Sunghoon also knew that whatever Jungwon would ask him next, he would agree right away anyway. It was a loosing battle for him.
„Sunghoon hyungie. I totally forgot my pyjamas at home. Would you mind if I wear something from you? I just need a shirt. Please hyung." Jungwon blinked rapidly, his pretty and long lashes didn't go unnoticed by Sunghoon. The younger almost looked innocent as if he really had forgotten his things but Sunghoon knew better. Jungwon loved wearing his hyungs things. He always wore Jays college jackets for example. It made him furious thinking about it but he couldn't really blame Jay. There is no one who could ever deny Jungwon anything if he looks so cute and innocent at someone like this. He looked so devot and submissive like this but everyone knows that Jungwon is a brat. Sunghoon would love to ruin him.

But now is not the right time to think about it. So Sunghoon just sighed and handed Jungwon one of his shirts. He purposely chose an excessive oversized shirt and he wasn't disappointed when the younger stepped out of the bathroom. He was drowning in Sunghoons shirt, he couldn't even see his shorts. This is Sunghoons wildest dreams come true. It was the first time Jungwon wore something of his clothes and he loved everything about it. If he could, he would let Jungwon only wear his clothes from now on to state to everyone who the younger belongs to. His thoughts became unhealthy again and he subconsciously slapped himself to stop thinking about Jungwon like that.

They were friends. Nothing more, nothing less. Although he wished it was different. He turned to his bed were Jungwon already laid and sat right next to him. Jungwon was on his phone writing something to someone while giggling. He glanced on Jungwons phone once and saw Jays name on the screen. So he was texting with his favourite hyung. Yeah, Sunghoon definitely didn't feel jealous at all. REALLY!

He knew he didn't have the right to be jealous but all he saw at the moment was red. The jealous monster inside him wanted nothing more than to rip his phone from his hands and throw it out the window. He stared at his own phone, the screen turned dark while he was trying to regain composure. On the reflection at his phone screen he could see his face and was shocked. His eyes were blood red and under them were fine black veins that reached to his cheekbones. Thanks to the initial shock, his eyes became normal again in an instant. Yeah Sunghoon definitely has a problem.

It got worse when Jungwon finished writing on his phone and turned to him. He looked shy and fiddled with his (Sunghoons) shirt. „Spit it out kitten." Sunghoon encouraged him. He was surprised at how timid Jungwon was the whole day towards him. He normally wasn't like this. Always bratty with an attitude but also cute. The problem: Jungwon knows that he is cute and everyone finds him adorable. He could get away with anything and he acted accordingly. But today it's different. He is never shy like that. >Did I do something to make him feel uncomfortable around me? Did I do something wrong?< He pondered.

Jungwon slowly calmed down before he spoke: „Hyung I have a question. But if you don't want to than it's also ok for me.." Now Sunghoon was irritated with the younger beating around the bush. „It's ok Jungwonie, just say it. I'm sure it's nothing too bad." Sunghoon remained calm but also didn't call him kitten this time to show how serious he was. He wanted to make the younger feel comfortable and didn't want Jungwon to think he wasn't taking him seriously with all the "kitten" stuff.

Jungwon bend his knees to his chest but remained his face looking at him. „I'm really scared hyung. I think the movie just was too much for me to handle." he looked at Sunghoon insecurely. „Do you want me to drive you home Jungwon-ah? Would that make you feel less scared?" Sunghoon suggested with a heavy heart. So he was really uncomfortable at his place. Jungwon took him by surprise with his request. „No that's not it hyung! I like it here, I'm very comfortable around you!" he said. It was like he could read Sunghoons exact thoughts  in this moment and eased the tension that Sunghoon had built for himself. He relaxed visibly and asked the younger: „If it's not that, how can I help you Jungwonie?" Jungwon smiled at that: „Can we cuddle hyung?"

So there he was. Lying in his own bed with Jungwon in his arms. This can't be reality.
Seeing Jungwon with his oversized white shirt on was too much already but the younger snuggling up to him in his arms while sleeping? Yeah a whole another level. Technically they cuddled all evening so Sunghoon already must be used to it but yeah... here he is now. How could he ever sleep like this with Jungwon so close to him? He couldn't even move, the younger occupied half of his body. His head on Sunghoons chest, his right arm on his stomach and his right leg tangled up in his own.

Inside Sunghoon was slowly but surely loosing it. His sanity holding on to a fine and thin string. It would be a sleepless night for him he guessed..


Next chapter done.
I hope you had a nice weekend!

Blood Bond 🧛🏻🩸 -Sunghoon + JungwonWhere stories live. Discover now