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Sunghoon an Jungwon jolted away from eachother at sound of another voice entering their space.
„Are you guys done being lovey-dovey? I'm feeling jealous over here." the boy laughed mischievously. He ended up with a strong fist punch at his shoulder from Sunghoon. „Not funny Jake." he said embarrassed but annoyed at the sudden interruption.
The intruder, Jake, Sunghoons best friend since forever, playfully scoffed at him: „Ya! You're the one who ditched me today! I feel hurt." Sunghoon just rolled his eyes at that and smiled at Jake. „Don't be a baby Jakey."
Jungwon looked confused between them and asked: „What do you mean by that Jake hyung? Sunghoonie hyung said to me that no one was available for today." Sunghoon mentally slapped Jungwon. Sometimes his bluntness was really inconvenient. Jake smirked at him and Sunghoon was ready to fight him if Jake would betray him. Jake saw his expression and smiled bemusedly before jumping to safe his best friend. „Nah I was just teasing Jungwonie. I'm on my way to get some ice cream for my sister. We're at our grandparents today." he winked at Sunghoon and Sunghoon took the note to thank Jake later for his little lie.
Jungwon seemed convinced by that hence Jake being really bad and obvious at lying. Sometimes he was really gullible and Sunghoons urge to protect him and be always by his side grew.

„So what are you guys doing?" Jake asked to keep the conversation going. Jungwon told him what they had done up to now and chatted for a bit with Jake. Sunghoon just sat beside him and listened. He saw Jakes features soften everytime Jungwon said something to him. There is no doubt, Jungwon is everyones soft spot. Jake is probably the one who adored him most after Jay and Jungwon wouldn't admit it but he loves the attention his hyungs gave him. Suddenly Sunghoon grew jealous. He wanted the only one close to the younger but he snapped back quickly. >What the hell is wrong with you Sunghoon? You can't expect Jungwon to don't have friends. His friends are also your friends so calm down idiot!<

After five more minutes Jake bid his farewell. Before the three parted their ways Jake leaned close to Sunghoons ear and whispered so Jungwon couldn't hear: „We need to talk later about this situation Sunghoon-a." He sounded serious which was really unlike Jake so Sunghoon gulped. He knew that Jake didn't say that as a suggestion, he wanted answers. Sunghoon understood him. His behaviour must have been weird to Jake and he couldn't but agree. There's nothing he could hide from Jake even if he tried. They knew each other to well for that. Was he mentally ready to tell Jake everything that has happened in the last two months? Would he hate him if he knew Sunghoon is a vampire and wants nothing more than blood, preferably Jungwons? Jake would kill him if he hurt Jungwon. Jake and Sunghoon knew each other longer than Jungwon but Jake wouldn't hesitate protecting Jungwon from him. That's how much Jungwon is adored by all of them. He is a treasure and must be protected.


Really short update. Maybe I'll write another chapter later today.

Blood Bond 🧛🏻🩸 -Sunghoon + JungwonWhere stories live. Discover now