Chapter 20: Does Mimzy have a point?

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I can hear Mimzy explaining to the group how her and Alastor were in the same circles back when they were alive. I roll my eyes, thinking back to when we were alive. Mimzy was an amazing dancer, no doubt. Being some of the only single women in New Orleans we got to know each other pretty well. I remember her telling me about a guy that would frequent her club. A man with no tan on his wedding ring finger like the rest of them. A confident smile and fun demeanor. I didn't realize until later that the man she was referring to and the man my friend set me up with happened to be the same grinning psychopath. "Asshole." I mumble, crossing my arms as I think about that day again.

"I didn't even do anything!" Husk argues back at me, looking annoyed.

I laugh a little and roll my eyes. "No, not you. Sorry. Just... stuck in thought." I vaguely explain, smiling at Husk. I think he knew I wasn't talking to him. I'm pretty sure he did that on purpose, trying to get my mind on something else. His cheeky smile is giving it away.

"My my, is that Husker?!" I hear Mimzy's voice as she approaches the bar. Husk's smile instantly turns into a growl as his grip on the glass he's cleaning gets tighter. "Alastor still has you slinging hooch for him I see." She laughs at Husk. "Classic. How you been, furball?" He asks.

"Good!" Husk says enthusiastically before his face drops again. "Until five minutes ago." This makes me laugh.

"Good one." I compliment, making Husk smile again.

Mimzy gasps as her eyes focus on me. "(y/n)?!" She yells in surprise, making my ears hurt. "It's been decades! How are you doing, girl?" She asks in an excited tone before looking confused. "Are you working with Husker?" She asks.

"Ugh, if only." I mutter, making Husk let out one small chuckle before going to make drinks. "Oh, you know. Working at the hotel." I explain vaguely, not wanting to get into the specifics with her. I need to change the subject. I put my hand on my hip and lean on the bar, doing my best to act confident and fun even though I feel anything besides that right now. "Still making men melt with your seductive hip swaying?" I ask with the best seductive smirk I can provide, tail swaying slightly.

This makes Mimzy laugh. "You know it!" She says proudly, fixing up her dress. "What about you? Got anyone wrapped around your finger yet?" She questions.

I laugh, rolling my eyes. "You mean like a serious relationship? Absolutely not." I shrug. "I don't see the benefit." I explain.

"The benefit?! Honey!" Mimzy begins, leaning in closer to me. "Having someone to look out for you, personally, mentally... physically." She winks at me, making me roll my eyes again. She didn't miss that detail. "You seriously haven't lost your V card since you've been in Hell?!" She basically yells right as Angel and Sir Pentious start walking up to the bar.

There's an awkward moment of silence between everyone around the bar, including Husk, who was just getting ready to hand Mimzy her drink. This is mortifying.

"Ugh... Mimzy." I mutter, pulling on my ears and resting my elbows on the bar. It's obvious I'm embarrassed.

"Jesus Christ girlie. Stop holding onto that shit. Once you get over the hump you'll understand." Mimzy continues like I'm not trying to disappear into the counter. She gestures to the others at the bar. "You have three gentlemen here who I'm sure would be happy to help you!" She declares. Okay... PLEASE let me meld into the counter!

"You'll have to pay Angel probably and he'll have more experience than you'll know what to do with. I feel like Husk would either be the sweetest guy or an absolute mess. And..." Mimzy stops and looks at Sir Pentious. "...I don't know enough about you. You have anything fun to offer? You hiding two dicks or something?" She questions.

"A-actually..." Sir Pentious stutters, obviously uncomfortable with Mimzy's questioning.

"Mimzy! PLEASE!" I yell, grabbing her hand in mine, holding tight. "Please, for the love of everything that is still sacred in your life... please stop." I beg. She can tell that I'm not having nearly as much fun as she is.

"Okay okay... I'm done. Sorry." Mimzy apologizes, giving me a genuine smile.

"Thank you." I say quietly, letting her hand go and standing up next to Husk.

"Ya know, there's always Alastor." Mimzy continues. I thought she was done! "Not really his cup of tea but offer him a deal he can't refuse, and he'd probably be willing to scratch your back... literally and figuratively." Mimzy laughs.

"Ugh! I'm done!" I yell, putting my hands up in defeat as I not only leave the bar, but leave the lobby entirely. As I'm leaving, I hear Husk mutter the words 'fuck you' to Mimzy and I'm not sure if it's because of our earlier conversation or something else.

I'm not walking very quickly, just slow steps as I stare at the carpet in the hallway. My left hand is holding onto my right arm. The confidence I was trying so hard to portray earlier is completely gone. I feel like I'm stuck in my own head. As crazy as it sounds, does Mimzy have a point?

I've relied on myself for as long as I can remember, and it's never been a problem. But the thought of having someone to come home to, someone to talk to after a crazy day, to have dinner with on a regular basis doesn't sound bad. To have someone who would look forward to seeing me if I've been away and care about me enough if I wasn't at my best. On the same note, to find someone that I would care enough about to be able to recognize if they weren't at their best and try to help them during their rough time.

But the other aspect of the fictional relationship Mimzy has put into my head is really wracking around in my brain.

I finally make it to the door of my hotel room. But instead of going inside I just sit outside of the room, leaning against the door and sinking deeper into my own thoughts. I put my hands on my knees and let out a sigh from a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

I won't know unless I move forward. Is it worth it? I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious. Out of the many conversations I've had with people I haven't met someone who's had a horrible experience. Sure, some joke that their partner wasn't the best, but even in those situations the experience didn't sound horrendous.

The only experience I have in that area is with myself. It's not like I have to defend this thought, but I mean, I wouldn't complain! I'd give myself a ten out of ten, but maybe that's just because I know what I like. If these experiences can feel great by myself, would they feel even better with someone else?

Again... does Mimzy have a point?   

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