Tommys dream

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Ever since Tommy was a little kid he had always dreamed of being a singer preforming in front of hundreds,maybe even thousands of people! Though his father philza had attempted to crush his dreams multiple times saying shit like "you can't be a singer,people will make fun of you" or "no way people would pay to go to your crappy concerts." Tommy wouldn't let this stop him, he and his friends dream,Tubbo and ranboo met in the music room after school with notebooks and half-dried out pens writing down song names and ideas. "Guys look at this!" Tubbo had said scaring ranboo half to death "stop screaming in my ear Tubbo" complained dream. "Sorry boss man" Tubbo began. "What was it you wanted us to see tubs?" Tommy spoke breaking the argument between dream and ranboo over how loud Tubbo was shouting. "Is this good?" Tubbo said while showing Tommy his notebook filled with song lyrics. "Oh my gosh Tubbo,this is amazing! We could start a band career with this!" Tommy exclaimed, "really!?" Tubbo said shooting up from his seat on the window sill.

(Time skip)

Tommy walks back to his house knowing how pissed Phil would be when he would get home. "THESEUS INNIT MINECRAFT, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING COMING HOME AT THIS TIME? SCHOOL ENDED AT 3 O'CLOCK AND IT IS NOW 6 O'CLOCK." "I'm sorry" Tommy spoke, his voice shaking while he was trying not to burst out in tears even though he really wanted to lay down and let it all out and have an understanding,accepting and caring father for once even if it was just for a single day. Wilbur and Techno walked into the room once Phil had left after disciplining Tommy trying to calm him down and help him breathe and relax. "Tommy calm down it's just us,dads left." Wilbur spoke to Tommy in a soft gentle tone while techno was hugging him and stroking his soft blonde hair with his rough but somehow gentle hands.

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