Sneaking out

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Once everyone's detentions were over they all decided to meet at a nearby park that night however that was a slight problem for Tommy, he had gotten grounded for a week for "back talking." Later that night once Tommy had made sure everyone was asleep he quietly opened his window and snuck out of it praying that his dad wouldn't come in to check on him but he never did as he never cared enough about Tommy to even think about him let alone check on him while he was sleeping.

(At the park with Tubbo,ranboo and dream)

"Ughhh where is he?" Complained Tubbo. "Oh my fucking god Tubbo have patience" argued dream. Tommy finally arrived at the park "took you long enough" said ranboo sarcastically "piss off ran" barked back Tommy. "Take a joke" argued ranboo. "Shut the fuck up guys" dream said cutting off the twos argument. They started to head for the band auditions that they had previously seen on a poster (yes the same one Tommy saw on his way home from detention)

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