Music to my ears

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*the next day*
Ranboo pov:

"Where is he?" I ask waiting outside the school gates with dream and tubbo. "No clue bossman" tubbo says sitting cross-legged on the ground. "Sorry I'm late guys" Tommy says as he runs upto us catching his breath. "Finally" dream sighs as he rolls his eyes (WAIT THAT RHYMED).

*after school bc I'm lazy 😔*

-phone notification-
Random rich guy: hey I heard about your band
and I want to invit you guys to play at my casino
Ranboo: omg sure!
Random rich guy: can you be there for 8 pm?
Ranboo: yes we can!

"We're playing our first gig tonight!" I squealed. "What." everyone else said extremely unenthusiastically.

I literally have no motivation rn 😭
Part 2 soon (btw requests are open)

127 words

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