What is he doing?

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The mothership transported through the Void, hitting rocks along the way while Sonic blinked and scolded as she watched on.

"Hmm." she said.

Later the Mothership destroyed rocks with its cannon, while being watched by Sonic. She jumped and bounced off a rock, luring it into one of the turbines, which broke.

Inside Nine felt the quake effect inside the vehicle.

"Huh?" Nine said.

"Something definitely hit us." Don't said.

"Look out the window, Dr. Don't, something is always hitting us!" Eggman said and another rock hit them. "Dr. Babble is doing the best he can." he said and Babble babbled gunshots and kept playing his video game then swayed his controller.

"Why does he get to play games? He's a noob."

"Because I need you to drive the ship." Eggman said and another bang was heard, alerting the Council.

Sonic kicked another rock into the Yolkomotive, hitting it, breaking another turbine and the screen beeped and signaled the damaged turbines.

"Ugh! Bad RNG. I'm shutting it down before we blow." Don't said and pressed buttons.

"Fine! Send out a repair squad as well." Eggman said annoyed and slammed his fists on the chair. "We don't have time for this!" he said and Sonic returned to the Portal. "We'd better tell the others we're going to be delayed. Mothership to Yolkomotive, we've hit a snag!"

On the Yolkomotive.

"Slight delay." Eggman said.

"D-delayed!? What's takin' ya so long?! We're in position!" Done-It said and the Yolkomotive was surrounded by a large area of sea. "We've been at the checkpoint for hours!"

At No Place Shadow was on dry land hiding behind a Palm tree watching the Yolkomotive swim past.

"Nine to Shadow! Are you there?" Nine said over Regulator.

"Nine?" Shadow said.

Inside the Mothership.

"Huh, finally. Tell me you have the Shard." Nine said.

"You know it! Now all I gotta do is get this baby to the void." Shadow said.

"What are you waiting for? You have to hurry. The mothership has been stalled somehow-"

Back at No Place.

"-but it's on it's way!" Nine said.

"Haha, I'm trying, but I've got a bit of a pirate problem at the moment." Shadow said.

"We find me treasure or ye all be walking the plank!" Dread said as his crew headed to their battle stations and aim their weapons.

"Ugh, Dread's really losing it."

"Forget the pirates. Our reality is at stake. Stay on mission." Nine said.

"Copy that, stay on mission--"

At the same time a cannon fire destroyed the Palm tree he was standing behind and he looked to see a guilty-looking Catfish behind the cannon.

"You too, Catfish?" Shadow said suspicious.

Froggy was wearing an eye-patch and jumped off the Catfish's head and onto the cannon, pulling the trigger by kicking it multiple times. The bullets aimed at Shadow, who started running away with the Shard again, while Catfish still showed an embarrassed and nervous look on his face. Then Shadow was pursued by Dread and his crew.

"You'll never escape with me treasure!" Dread said.

"Open fire!" Black Rose said and Sails and Batten shot at Shadow, while he dodged the attacks.

One bullet aimed at the shard, causing him to drop his jaw but it missed the target and he peeled out.

"This totally seemed like it was going to be easy." Shadow said when a white aura surrounded him. "Get the Shard and run fast, which I'm awesome at..." he said and Sonic's hologram appeared behind him. "Gyah!"

"Who are you talking to?! I can see you have the Shard. Run faster and get out of there!" Sonic said.

"Turns out it's hard to get up to full speed on water." he said and the aura vanished. "Even with these kicks. Not to mention having" he said and the aura with Sonic's hologram appeared. "pirates blasting at you!"

"Then go where they can't blast you."

"I need solid ground. And I know just where to get it! By the time that ship gets here, I'll be a blip-- on the horizon." he said and a blip appeared on the screen.

"What was that about a blip?"

Later at the Void Sonic bounced her way towards to the top of the Mothership, watching the Eggforcers trying to repair the broken turbines and one of the turbines ignite a few times. Don't was monitoring the activity on his screen while Babble kept playing a video game.

Inside his screen Sonic bashed into and broke one of the Eggforcers.

"Huh?" Don't said, closed the screen and glowed his goggles orange.

An orange hologram appeared above the robot's head and on the radar, Sonic dove into and defeated another Eggforcer.

"What was that?" he asked and she defeated another Eggforcer. "What the?!" he said and Eggman arrived through the doors.

"What's going on in here?! Are you playing a game? Where are we at with the engine repairs?" Eggman asked angrily.

"There's... There's something out there!" Don't said panicking.

On the screen was a diagram of the still damaged turbines and a nearly full battery level.

"Sixty-five percent! That's well within the operational range!" Eggman said and they tried to see the blue something speeding around their mothership. "Fooling around with so much at stake!" he said, pressed a red button on the monitor's handlebar, igniting all the turbines and Don't suddenly fell flat on his back.

"Aghhh!" Don't said.

"I'm mad and disappointed!" Eggman said to Don't while Sonic kept observing the mothership.

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