On The Run

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As I rushed through the gates of the estate I once thought of as home I felt a wave of peace and worry rushed over my soul. My feet struggled to carry me. The wind's touch followed almost as if watching over me. Fear filled me but through the strength of the wind, I found a push of courage. I ran and ran until finally coming to a stop within hours. I collapsed to the dirt-ridden floor I hadn't noticed surrounding me till my last conscious moment. I had woken up to a face directly in front of mine. The owner's eyes held a piercing gaze. Although afraid I sensed a subtle kindness behind their green pools. "Are you alright miss?" it asked. I gave a slight nod and rose to my feet. A look of worry still troubled its mind. As I stood up it became clear to me what exactly I was looking at. It was a rather handsome man with shaggy fiery red hair sitting on his head. His skin had a completion with freckles embedded on its surface. His hands were gentle and soft as they held mine. I couldn't help but be flustered. I had almost forgotten how I ended up here in the first place.

His troubled voice rang out again. It seemed I stood aghast a moment too long. "Miss?... are you certain you're alright?" he asked once more.

"I'm perfectly fine Sire...no need to bother."

A puzzled look had formed on his face. Still unconvinced he released my dirt-covered hands. As my eyes drifted I noticed beside him stood an elegant carriage. I had almost forgotten the season was soon to commence. The dread of it all suddenly came flooding in. This season was supposed to be my debut. It was supposed to be absolutely wonderful 'till mama came with horrid news. I was to be wed to Sir Wilster. I wasn't even going to get a chance at my own hand-picked suitor. This man was awfully dreadful. He had known me a while now since I was a mere child to be precise. Mama said he'd always been taken to me, I find it rather strange as he's much older. My guess is he couldn't get someone his age. Smart those women are though.

The man's voice struck my ears once more, breaking me away from thought. He had asked where it is I was headed. The truth was I hadn't really decided, I just knew I had to get out of there. "Miss if you're feeling unwell just say so, there is no need to be embarrassed."

"No, no sir... I was just lost in thought. To be rather plain I'm not exactly sure where I'm headed."

"Ah well if that's the case you shall come with me. I must ensure you see a doctor." A wave of horror came over me. If I was correct then he was headed to London. I had just come from there. It is the last place I'd like to be.

"Are you on your way to London sir? I mustn't go back there. I shan't go back."

"Indeed," he said with a nod. " Not that it is my concern but what of London troubles you? I highly doubt it be the weather," he said jokingly.

"Well, obviously not," I said coldly trying to seem as if I hadn't found him funny. His eyes twinkled at my gaze; his lips curling to a faint smile. He must have noticed my disingenuous reaction. "Well alright, I might as well tell...I am to be married to Sir Wilster. I had no choice in the matter of course as any girl of sound mind would decline but my mama insists I must. Surely you mustn't understand. I highly doubt you'll ever find yourself in such situations." He must have noticed my envious tone. His eyes turned to sympathy.

"I'm sorry to hear that... and sadly you are correct. I shall likely never find myself in that situation. Though I truly sympathize with you. My family is rather close to Sir Wilster, I know for certain that man is truly unruly."

"I think him horrid and nothing less," I say. He nods in agreement.

"But..." he began. My eyes prepared to roll. I knew a man of true gentle nature could never exist.

"Please go on, oh please do explain to me my duty as a woman. I must hear it again for the millionth time in my life...Oh, but you're a woman you must be married to whomever your family chooses."

"Well, actually I was only going to say I must still take you to see a doctor as I did find you on the ground unconscious." Well that took an awkward turn but I shan't apologize for saying what I had. I had every right to believe that was what he hoped to express. A look on his face told me he agreed with the very words that swirled my mind. "Well then it's settled I shall take you to see a doctor and I shan't get in the way of what you choose next." He helped me into his carriage and we were off.

Cordelia CuthbertWhere stories live. Discover now