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As I made Mirko food

Mirko:okay listen up Ryukyu and Nejire went to there agency to train there interns you and me are going to hosu for 2 objectives
Izuku:Which are what my bunny

As mirko blushes at the nickname but control's her self
Mirko:2 villain stain and shadow
Izuku:I already know about stain but this shadow
Mirko:he is a villain with a quirk to hide in the shadows and control his form we will be heading there tomorrow so be ready
As izuku kiss her and goes to sleep as she sits there alone and blushing crazy

The next day
Our hero's both made it to hosu and the crazy fans cheering Izuku name out right now they as they booked a hotel as izuku turned into Mantaspeed to look at the sky's while mirko patrolling the ground as they found nothing izuku sees a explosion as he got there he saw a car on fire before he can do anything he was hit by a black Tentacole behind as he turns around and saw nothing he was uppercut as he goes flying stopping him as he heard laughter as he looks around and saw a shadow moving as he turns back to normal
Izuku:so you must be shadow right
Shadow:yes that's me

The next dayOur hero's both made it to hosu and the crazy fans cheering Izuku name out right now they as they booked a hotel as izuku turned into Mantaspeed to look at the sky's while mirko patrolling the ground as they found nothing izuku sees a ...

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Izuku:so what are you doing here in hosu City
Shadow:To kill any pro I see
Izuku:wow clever but not happing pal it's hero time.
As he turns into Marshflame as he shoots fireball at him as he doges and fades in the shadows as he looks aroundonly to get punched as happens over and over as Marshflame shoots fire at the ground causing shadow to jump in the air only to get kicked in to the by Mirko as shadow gets up only to get blasted in the back as he looks behind him see Marshflame already infront delivering a powerful uppercut as land's on a truck
Shadow:Damm it
Marshflame:Give up it's not to late
As shadow lunch himself at Marshflame only to get kicked by mirko in the face as he hits a car knocking him out

20 minutes later

As mirko tells the police what happened here as izuku was signing autographs for his fan after the whole situation izuku and mirko went back to hotel as izuku gets a message from kumori and mai both are in Edegshot agency
Izuku:hey my storm and puppy what up
Mai:Well we wanted to know if your going to I-island next week
Kumori:we got a special surprise for you
Izuku:Wouldn't miss it hey how your internship going
Kumori:well we did fight some thugs
Mai:And stop Kidnapp enjoyed the talk but they had to go to sleep

The next day

Izuku and mirko were patrolling all day looking for any sight of stain
Izuku:it night time anyway we shouldx.
As an explosion happens izuku looks back and sees a nomu the crashed behind them as some land's infront as the saw it was gran torino
Izuku:hey grandpa what you doing
Gt:we were patrolling

As izuku though we as a more nomu crashed irs shoto disappeared
Gt:Same with izumi
As izuku remember stain being here same with Iida
Izuku:Stupifd they maybe in trouble I go find them can you guys handle these freaks r
As they izuku running turnings into Wildhoundfa's he found there sent as he found then as stain was about to stab Iida only to his sword taken from him by izuku who tra5nsformed into Eaterguy it and spit it to him as he hits the well As he gets up as he turns into shard
Iida:Yagi leave this my fight and mine alone
But ignores him as he rush at as they both trade blow for blow as Iida tries to get as izumi,shoko and shoto feels there body as izumi rushed in only for stain jump over her as he doges shard punched as grabs shoko and threw her at shoto as shard grabs him and throws him as they both trade sword for sword as shard breaks stain sword as he punches him in the gut and in the face grabs his leg spins him around and throws him out the allay and into a car as the pro's where done beating every nomu as they saw stain knocked out as izuku turns back to normal as gran torino and Endeavor were yelling at izumi and her friends as izuku saw a nomu heading for izumi as he was about to stop but to late but stain

(When he said Allmight imagine he said izuku)
As stain was taken away as izuku and mirko went back home

The next day
Izuku was enjoying his time with Mirko,Ryukyu and Nejire cause it was his last day.

Katsuki pov
He pissed he saw deku new ultimate feature he saw deku take down Dr animo he heard what happened with stain he is pissed so pissed he been training to adapted his skills only to be over show by deku he was pissed and angry about it

The mighty Izuku 23Where stories live. Discover now