4 . Say Sorry To Mama💙

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Early update 🥺, I'm giving fast updates as you asked, can't you vote and comment .

Yoongi's Pov

The sting of Jimin's slap still burned on my cheek. I deserved it, I knew that. I'd been a complete jerk, snapping at Jimsu before even realizing . My anger, fueled by exhaustion and the overwhelming reality of this forced marriage, had spilled over. I felt a knot of guilt tighten in my chest. Jimin had kidnapped me, forced me into this life, and now he was the one trying to soothe the hurt I'd caused.

But seeing Jimsu cry, his tiny frame trembling, hit me harder than any slap could. His innocent eyes, reflecting back my anger, made my throat not to form words .Tears welled up in my own eyes, blurring the scene before me. I was so lost, so utterly confused.

Jimsu : "Mama so bad..."

Jimsu's voice, choked with tears, ripped through me.

Jimsu : "Mama don't like me... Dada..."

Jimin, his expression a mix of concern and frustration, scooped Jimsu into his arms.

Jimin: "Come here, Jimsu... Even though you're hurt, you want me to say sorry for Mama, huh? You're a good boy... For now, let's sleep, baby... Don't cry too much... Mama will behave good. He's just tired and angry..."

He tried to soothe Jimsu, but the little one wasn't buying it.

Jim-su : "Dada ur also bad. You should not beat Mama. You're bad Dada."

Jimin : "Am I?"

Jimin sighed, his voice tinged with a hint of self-deprecation.

Jimin : "But I'm ur superhero, aren't i ? That's why in anger, I slapped him..."

Jim-su : "Say sorry to Mama..."

Jimsu insisted, his small hand clutching Jimin's shirt.

Jimin : "Maybe in the morning..."

Jimin mumbled, a flicker of guilt crossing his face.

I know this jerk , won't say sorry to me

Before going he turned to me, his gaze is so cold and dark but he said softening slightly.

Jimin : "The first floor room, beside mine, is yours. I kept your lauguage there. You can freshen up..."

His words hung in the air, a silent acknowledgment of the impossible situation we were in.

I felt a lump in my throat, a mixture of anger, guilt, and a strange, unexpected tenderness. The thought of sharing this life, this house, jimsu and with Jimin was terrifying, yet a little of hope bloomed within me.

Perhaps, in the midst of chaos, we could find a way to make this work. Maybe, just maybe, we could become a family, despite the messy, tangled roots of our beginning.


The weight of the world seemed to be pressing down on my chest as I walked towards my room, the one right next to Jimin's. The silence of the house was deafening, only punctuated by the rhythmic thumping of my own heart.

My throat tightened, the familiar ache of regret clawing at me. "How could I have been so stupid?" I whispered to myself, the words sounding hollow even in the silence of my room. I had avoided Jimsu the entire wedding, my heart heavy with the guilt of my outburst. He'd been so small, so innocent, and I'd treated him like a burden.

The thought of Jimin, his face etched with disappointment and hurt, added another layer of agony to my already heavy heart. "How could I have let my anger get the better of me?" I asked, tears stinging my eyes. I hated that Jimin was the one I should shout, not on jim-su.

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