11. who is cute .

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Yoongi's Pov

The warmth of Jimin's embrace, unexpected and tight, jolted me .

I'd been worried sick, pacing the house, wondering where he was and if he was alright. He pulled back ever so slightly, his brow creased with concern.

Jimin : "You can go make the bed,"

he said, a hint of exhaustion in his voice.

Jimin : "I'll bring Jim-su to your room."

Yoongi : "Are you okay?"

I asked, my voice a little sharper than intended.

Yoongi : "Why were you so late?"

He sighed, his eyes heavy.

Jimin' : "Just...mafia things. Some people needed dealing with."

The vague answer didn't satisfy me, but I knew pushing further was pointless.

Yoongi : "Fine,"

I mumbled, turning away to avoid seeing the worry etched on his face.

I went into the room, the silence pressing down on me. The bed was already made, Jimin's touch still lingering on my skin.

The door creaked open and I turned to see Jimin, his hand cradling jimsu

Jim-su's little face was flushed, his eyes heavy with sleep. He placed Jim-su gently in the middle of the bed, his movements careful and tender.

I couldn't help but feel a pang of awkwardness, the air thick with unspoken tension.

Jimin : "I'll be back after I freshen up,"

Jimin said, his voice softer than before.

Yoongi: "Okay,"

I replied, a quiet word that seemed to echo in the stillness.

I climbed into bed, pulling Jim-su close. His small body, warm and familiar, nestled against me

His sleepy sighs were calming, a rhythmic counterpoint to the racing of my own heart.

I drifted off to sleep, the silence punctuated by soft snores. A while later, I felt the bed shift and I opened my eyes to see Jimin crawling in beside me.

His head rested on my shoulder, his breath warm against my neck as he inhaled deeply. I felt a strange mixture of relief and bewilderment.

Yoongi : "Jimin,"

I murmured, my voice a whisper.

Jimin : "Shhh,"

he mumbled, his voice sleepy.

Jimin : "Just sleep twinkle, I'm tired."

I closed my eyes, his presence a comforting weight beside me. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, that this wasn't just the usual tired husband settling in for the night.

There was a desperation in his touch, a yearning in his gaze, that I couldn't quite understand.

But as I drifted back to sleep, his warmth next to me, I pushed the questions aside, allowing myself to be lulled by the calming rhythm of his breathing.

Skip to morning :

Jimin's Pov

With nimble hands, I sizzle and stir vegetables in a hot pan, the tantalizing aroma of gochujang and beaf filling the air. As the dish nears completion, I season it with a sprinkle of salt, enhancing its savory flavors. I carry the steaming stir fry to the table, its vibrant colors and mouthwatering scent inviting my companions.

 𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 *⁠♡Where stories live. Discover now