Chapter Two

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Here is the next chapter, I hope you like it.

Chapter Two

She takes a deep breath then lets it out, she had to tell him and hoped Scott would be ok with having a son with her.

Crystal looks at Scott in the eye. "Scott... your Jayden's father".

Scott looks at Crystal for a long moment before he replied. "I... I'm Jayden's father"

She replies with a shaky breath. "Yes Scott Jayden is your son... our son"

Jayden starts fussing, both Scott and Crystal turn to look at Jayden.

Crystal says. "Are you hungry baby boy?"

Scott said tto Crystal. "Here let me take Jayden"

She looks at Jayden then at Scott. "ok... Jayden this is your father"

Crystal tell's Jayden as she hands him over to Scott, who hold his gently and he couldn't believe that he is a father.

Scott says with tears in his eyes. "Hey Jayden... I'm your daddy"

Parker came into the room and handed Crystal Jayden's bottle. "Thank you Parker"

She gives the bottle to Scott and he put the nib to Jayden's mouth and he takes it. Scott turns to Crystal and asks. "Why didn't you tell me that you were pregnant Crystal?"

There was a long pause before she replied.

Crystal repiled . "I was scared, I thought that you wouldn't step up and be a dad and you would put International Rescue first"

She had tear's running down her face by the time she finished telling Scott.

After Jayden finished his bottle and Scott winded him, changed his diaper and put him down to sleep, Scott went and sat next to Crystal and put his hand on her hand and held it.

"Crystal... look at me" Scott asks and waits for her to look at him. She looks up at Scott and waits for him to speak.

He takes a deep breath and lets it out. "Crystal... first I want to be there for Jayden" Scott puts his other hand on her cheek. "and for you"he pauses for a moment. "and second I put my family first"

Scott's thoughts.

How could Crystal think that, if only she knew that I'm in love with her so much... I will tell her, just not yet. For now I'll get to know Jayden and being a father.

Four months later.

Crystal's thoughts

Four months has passed and Scott kept his promise, being a father and there for Jayden and me. Scott's gone home but he left a communicator so we can call each other.

Crystal was in the kitchen making Jayden his bottle, when he started crying.

she goes upstairs and into the nursery and picks Jayden up. "What wrong Jayden, is my baby boy hungry?"

She sits in the rocking chair and gave Jayden his bottle.

Beep, beep, went the communicator.

She answered and asked. "Hi Scott is everything ok?"

Scott smiles gently. "Yeah it is... I just wanted to see how both of you are doing"

She sighs. "We're fine Scott..." Crystal turns to Jayden. "I think daddy misses us" Crystal said.

He did miss not being there with his son and Crystal. "Yes I do... I thought that you and Jayden could come over to Tracy Island so the others could meet Jaydenand you..... what do you say" Scott asked nervously.

She smiles at the thought of meeting Scott's family. "Sure, don't forget Jayden has his injections, are you still going to be here?"

Scott didn't need to think before answering. "Yeah our baby boy will want both of us"

Jayden had finished his bottle and been winded he just needed his diaper changing. While she changed Jayden... he was making baby gurgling noises. Scott and Crystal couldn't help but laugh at their almost five month old son.

Scott was just about home. "Crystal I got to go I'm just about home"

She nods gently. "Ok Scott be safe and talk later, bye Scott"

He didn't want to go as he loves Crystal and their son. "Talk later, bye Jayden, bye Crystal" Scott replies and ends the call.

Two things that Scott was looking forward to was one- he would stay with Crystal and their son when he has his injections, two- he would bring them to Tracy Island to meet everyone else.

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