Part 4: her new step brother...

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It has been one week and jennie haven't seen her step brother yet. He didn't even arrive for their wedding! So today was a rainy day at Korea. Her step father is still in work and her mom went at the market. She was home alone until she heard the doll bell ring. She thought is her mom so she run to open the door....but she was wrong! It wasn't her mom, it was a tall handsome boy BUT...IT WAS TAEHYUNG! Jennie couldn't believe her eyes! What does her enemy want at her new house!? 

Jennie: you! Want do you want here! 

*Taehyung didn't even saw her because his eyes was in phone, he thought maybe is a waiter but when he saw her face...*

Taehyung: What!? This is MY house, what are YOU doing here!

Jennie: Wait- what?! Your house?

Taehyung: Mm yeah? *He pushed her end enter inside* what do you want here*

*Then Jennie remembered that her step brother have a son...and she understood that her step brother is TAEHYUNG!*

Jennie: I think we're step siblings.

Taehyung: *burst out laughing* what nonsense you talking 'bout

Jennie: no I'm mom married your dad yesterday, and now I figured out we're step siblings 

*Taehyung was shocked. But at the same time he smirked because he figured out why will live together so he can take revenge on her more easily*

Taehyung: bruuuh, how bad could it be? *He smirk* I'll get to see you more now 

*Jennie just rolled her eyes and get ready to go upstairs*

Taehyung: *he saw that Jennie was leaving and he pull her wrist and pin her on the couch*

No, no, no, not that FAST babygirl....

Taennie FF// when her step brother did IT just to take revenge BUT...Where stories live. Discover now