Part: 5 Taehyung's revenge

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*when Taehyung pinned her Jennie was shocked so she tried to pull him away*


Taehyung: hm why? *He lean closer, almost touching her lips*

Jennie: No please ...please don't! Please *her tears start falling* I'm sorry for everything just don't do it! 

Taehyung: hm...hard to believe babygirl *he got up*. Because I'm leaving it for now doesn't mean I'm done, ok?! 

Jennie: o-o...k *she got up and ran at her room* 

Taehyung: just because is day I'm not doing anything....wait and you'll see Kim Jennie, I'll make you pay for everything .. *he said to himself* 


*For all these week Jennie tried her best to avoid the meeting with Taehyung. She knew Taehyung will take revenge but, she doesn't know when. Every day, every school day jennie stay 24/7 in her room. But one night...* 

Jennie: ahh I'm hungry I should go and grab something... 

*Jennie slowly open the door to go out of her room. Downstairs and upstairs was very quiet. Jennie thought all are sleeping so she relaxed. It means Taehyung is sleeping too but...when she was walking she felt someone behind her. It was dark so Jennie was trying to turn on the lights, but when she reach it, someone grab her waist and pin her on the wall* 

Jennie: Taehyung! Stop, someone can hear! .

Taehyung: does it look like I give a fuck? 

Jennie: please be serious for ONLY ONE TIME! stop with these nonsense! 

Taehyung: oh no no...I don't stop till I take what I want 

*Taehyung grab her wrists and lead her at his room. Once they arrive Taehyung pinned her on the bed and he reach on top of her* 

Jennie: p-plese don't do this! Slap me, kill me, do whatever you want but not this please! 

Taehyung: shut up. 

Jennie: pl-

Taehyung: SHUT UP! 

( and I hope you know what Taehyung do to Jennie ;) ) 

[2 Hours later...] 

*Taehyung grab Jennie's clothes from the sheets and land them to her* 

Taehyung: wear those. I'm done *cold tone* 

*While Jennie was only with a bra on she grab her clothes and went at her room crying* 

Jennie: *crying a mess* He took my everything! He stole my everything, i- I hate him! I hate you TAEHYUNG!! 

(hey hey!! I hope you're doing well! I wanted to say just a little information for the upcoming parts or this fanfiction. I forgot mentioning that Taehyung and Jennie have a happy end at the end of this FF. Because Taehyung will apologize for everything and ANYWAYS you'll see it at the other parts! Bye bye sarangahe 💕)

Taennie FF// when her step brother did IT just to take revenge BUT...Where stories live. Discover now