Part 11: Now or never~

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[Taehyung pov] 

"I went home and I was restless. All the events coming in my mind like a nightmare. I can't believe I was being such a jerk with Jennie! I remember jisoos words and I'll do my best to make Jennie forgive me. I have been such a pain in the ass for her but now I wanna be there for her. I couldn't sleep so I thought to call Jennie. Before pushing the button I was feeling a Gulit inside me. Was it good to call her? Uh...well I'll just ask how's she..this don't make any sense I know...I'll just call her!"


Jennie: Hello? 

Taehyung: Hey it's me... Taehyung 

Jennie: u-umm *she was almost crying* i-- I'm busy I can't talk

Taehyung: please Jennie don't end the call! 

Jennie: w-what do you want..

Taehyung: i-- uhh...I know the words I'll say doesn't make any sense but...I just wanna say them. Listen, i-im so sorry for what happened! I know I've been such a jerk. Doing that to you and ruining your life..

Jennie: *she was suspicious* what do you think I'll believe you? 

Taehyung: I know you'll never trust me and I'm not forcing you but now I regret doing that to you...I just...just I can't there any chance you can forgive me?  *His tone was sincere* 


Jennie: *she soften* hard for me... I'm so sorry but I gotta think about it 

Taehyung: is ok take your time Jennie...I'll wait for you- 

Jennie: *ends the call* 

                             CALL ENDED 


*I ended the call but I can't help but smile a bit...his tone was sincere but still I can't forgive him. For his fault I became pregnant and even lost my child! But...I gotta think...maybe...just maybe- 


[author POV]

*It has been one year since all that event happened. Taehyung's feeling towards Jennie have grew day by day. Her smile, her laugher, her personality, her whole existence now was something Taehyung can't live without. Since past year Taehyung have let Jennie alone. At that time Jennie have tried to forget the death of her child. And she have moved on. Now she was a modeler and taehyung was a CEO.* 

Taehyung side: 

Taehyung: *sits on couch* Ahh I'm hella tired! 

Jungkook: so how was work bro?

Taehyung: *sigh* good godd...

Jungkook: Soo...only good?

Taehyung: I'm not in a mood to think about work now

Jungkook: Still about Jennie right..? 

Taehyung: *open his eyes wide* w-what n-no! Why you're saying that! 

Jungkook: *look at him* Taehyung I know you well and I know you haven't forgot her

Taehyung: AGGHHH! is just I don't have the courage! 

Jungkook: Hey buddy...listen here...


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