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I groaned, eyes flickering open in bewilderment at the light filling the room. The heat was unbearable. Sluggish, I rolled out of bed, covers still half draped around my small frame as I stumbled over to the window, clawing at the handle in a sort of frenzy, desperate to reach the fresh air.

At last I accomplished my goal; yet I was still left gasping. It wasn't what I wanted. What I needed.

Glancing at the clock, I started dragging my clothes onto my body, mind still foggy from sleep. Skipping breakfast was easy; food this early in the morning never managed to stay long in my stomach.

I refused to allow my mind to wander to the events of last night, of the devilish man with the angel eyes.

School was un-eventful at best. It had seized to become a novelty and I hated most classes with a passion, that had it been directed at something else, could have moved mountains.

English I enjoyed, as the stories fascinated me. The idea that you could get lost in a world created from words alone seemed to me better than anything. I cared not much whether it was a horror or a romance, only that it captivated me until the last word.

Some I purposely tried to avoid, to save my heart from the wrecking I knew the book would deal to it, yet I couldn't stay away.

Maths comforted me with it's simplicity; operating on the one single rule that everything has a solution.

It was in this class that I found myself at 12:13 that day, and even I counted the seconds till I could go free. When at last the clock graced us with it's compliance, I gathered my pens, shoving them in my bag hap-hazardously, fleetingly hoping the didn't leak ink over the insides as I walked out the door. I met Ella outside, easily spotting her rugged main amongst the crowd.

"Yo Rina. How were the numbers?" Ella questioned. By now I'd adjusted to her strange way of talking, even enjoying the change.

"Not as good as the pie."

"Mathematical! See, this is why I generously donate my time talking to you when I could be expanding my killing spree or learning how to make tassels." Seeing my look, she continued,"What? Have you seen those babies? If I could make one, I could probably convince dictators in third world countries to donate all their money to charity."

A dreamy look entered her eyes, and I couldn't decide whether it was about helping people or simply her unhealthy obsession with woollen bobbles.

"William asked me to eat lunch with him today." She hesitated. Oh, so THAT was causing the blush that so easily graced her face. Will, or William, as Ella insisted on calling him, was a boy in her English class that I suspected she had a crush on. He was nice enough, with classically brown hair and hazel eyes to match, and I'd actually managed to exchange a few words with him without wanting to either drown myself in the nearest sink or drown HIM in the nearest body of water.

"Go for it." I encouraged. "I was going to the library anyway. They have an Oscar Wilde collection that I've been dying to check out."

She thanked me after apologising again, and I shrugged her off, laughing softly to myself. I was happy she was going off to do her own thing, worried she'd feel I was a weight she had to carry. Yet if she knew the full extent of my problems, she'd be crushed under the load

I felt like Atlas, holding the world on my shoulders with not even a glimpse of salvation on the horizon.

The grass was soft under my cheek; it felt impossibly soft. Nature remained a haven and as I stared up at the sky, a deep blue that was left unbroken by clouds, I could ALMOST forget.

"Ambrose. Ambroseambroseambroseambrose".

I said it over and over as though it would suddenly make sense in my head. Google had told me it came from Ambrosia, food of the Greek Gods of mythology. Ironic, in a way, as it often harms mortals or turns the immortal. Yet in my mind, it seemed kinda easy to see that even the Gods wanted Ambrose.

I stood up, looking around the park I had used as my place of solitude. It was fairly empty on the chilly autumn afternoon, leaving it with a look of emptiness and neglection. These thoughts plagued my mind as I trudged dutifully home to an empty house, yet another mirror for my soul in this broken, desolate wasteland of a planet.

- I very much apologise for my continued absence. So much has happened, and I spontaneously wrote this in the middle of the night, so here you are, this story is officially off hold! Yay!

Anyway, I cannot ensure updates will be steady as it turns out I'm lazy. Also, I'm at school now so I can barely remember to do my homework. Add in an asshole of a stepdad and I pretty much have a postage size of free time right now. But I'll update as soon as I can, which is the best I can promise.


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