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The weekend. At last. I could barely believe I got two whole days without school. I was tempted just to lie around and sleep all day, but wouldn't let myself waste what little break I had. Which was why, on Saturday morning, I found myself standing outside of The Coffeehouse, which was, as it's name indicated, a store for hot drinks.

Pushing the door open, a small bell rang that went unnoticed in the pandemonium inside. It seemed the entire town population and decided to be her today, and there were barely enough tables to seat everyone. Strangers, forced to share a table shrank as far away from each other as possible whilst sipping their hot beverages. I weaved through the people dotted about randomly, making my way to the front desk which held a 'help wanted' sign.

I'd come to the decision that no matter how much I disliked most of the general population, I needed a source of income.

As well as that, it would keep me occupied and away from those quiet moments when I shattered into a million pieces.

I rang the bell before waiting a few moments. A frazzled woman walked out of the back room, a forced smile on her face.

"What can I get you today?" I was impressed at how unaffected she managed to keep her voice. If you couldn't see her face, you'd never know how pissed off she was. Yet I could see her face.

"A job, hopefully."I replied, deciding confidence was the best angle. Something like doubt with an edge of rising hope appeared in her eyes.

"You really want to work here?" She put emphasis on the last word, as if she doubted the sanity of anyone who would apply for the job. Feeling a bit apprehensive, but knowing it was too late to back down now, simply nodded my head in confirmation.

A dazzling smile spilt across her face.

"Come one then," She lifted up the counter, using me through before grabbing the sign and walking towards a door in the back. Glancing at the extensive display of various machines, I saw a boy quickly darting from one apparatus to the other, ginger hair hap hazardously shoved under a small black baseball cap.

Focusing my attention back on the woman, I was only marginally startled when she turned around, sticking a quick hand out before introducing herself.

"I'm Elizabeth. That guy lazing around in front is Loki, and I'm taking you to meet Alistair, my dad. He owns this place."

The entire time she was asking she sent me small little glances, as if to make sure I was still their and hadn't snuck away. I shuddered at the thought of what she'd probably do o me if I decided I didn't want the job after all, and accordingly stepped after her as she walked up to yet another door which she proceeded to bang on unceremoniously.

"Dad! We have a new employee!" With a glance back at me, she added, "And she's pretty!"

The door opened, revealing an older man with short brown hair that was silver in most places. He was tall and plumping slightly, as if all the delicious drinks he manufactured had finally caught up with him.

He gave me a suspicious look.

"And she just walked in, of her own accord?"

Elizabeth nodded. He looked me up and down once more, before nodding at his daughter, and returning back into what I assumed to be his office.

"Don't mind him. He's been hiding in there all day, from our uncle, who's visiting."

She assured me. Walking up to a closet, she opened it and rummaged around a bit, before bringing me a black t-shirt, hat and apron.

"This is your uniform. Has to be worn at all times, when you're behind the counter. You'll have a practise today, but you've basically got the job. Even if you spill coffee everywhere, it's better than having no one."

She paused for a second, before continuing,"After the last guy quit we've been looking for a replacement for weeks, and had just about given up when you came along. It seems not many people wants job in a coffee shop right now, and we just can't handle the workload on our own."

We returned to the from of the shop.

"Loki! We've got fresh meat!" She shouted over the noise of the crowd.

He looked up, and smiled at us with a sort of crazed glint in is eye. After giving out three cups of coffee, he walked up to us, and taking the hat from my hands, shoved it on my head. The smile was still in place as he commented,

"The uniform must be worn at all times..."


I unlocked the front door, smiling at memories of my new workplace. It wasn't perfect, but the pay was good and I got to work five out of every seven afternoons. All in all, it had been, surprisingly, a pretty good day.

Once I reached my bedroom, I collapsed onto the bed, staring at the ceiling, as a feeling of melancholy filled me. Because in the end, even after working somewhere bright and cheerful that was filled with life, I had to return to the memories and know that I wasn't fixed. I was still an empty shell of a former person, who I'd left with the sea. If I went back, would I see her? Swimming in the rough water, one with the waves...

- I know there're not that long, but I've update twice in 9 hours! Isn't that awesome! And I'm still working on the length.

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