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10 AM, the morning of the interview. A man in a black suit and glasses enters the room, placing a black briefcase on the desk. Jasmine glances around the vintage office, noting the purple tapestries, golden arch-stones, and the two armed guards at the door. They carry high-caliber handguns, possibly Desert Eagles or modified Glocks. One guard has a distinct cobra tattoo and a scar over his right eye. Their suits bear the Walt Industries logo on their breast pockets. So far, no Black Viper thugs in sight.

"Good morning, Miss Wyler," the man says, sitting down. "My name is Alex Stone. I am Samson Walt's personal attendant."

Jasmine straightens in her chair, sizing up Alex Stone. He exudes a polished confidence, his demeanor calm yet authoritative. His eyes scan the room with an instinctive vigilance that speaks to his experience in high-stakes environments. The briefcase resting on the desk adds an air of mystery, and she wonders what secrets it might hold.

"Good morning, Mr. Stone," she replies, keeping her tone professional despite the whirlwind of nerves inside her. "Thank you for the opportunity to interview for this position."

Alex nods, his expression inscrutable. "We appreciate your interest in joining our security team for the gala. As you know, it's a high-profile event, and maintaining security is paramount. I'll need to know how you can contribute to that effort."

Jasmine takes a deep breath, recalling the strategies she and her father discussed the previous night. "I have experience in event security and management. I'm trained to assess situations quickly, respond to emergencies, and maintain a calm demeanor under pressure. I believe I can handle the demands of this event and ensure the safety of all attendees."

Alex leans back in his chair, studying her with an intensity that makes her feel both exposed and empowered. "That's good to hear. In this role, you'll need to be aware of your surroundings at all times and anticipate potential threats. Can you describe a situation where you had to think on your feet to resolve a crisis?"

Jasmine thinks back to a community event where a fight broke out among guests. "During a local festival, I was overseeing security when a heated argument escalated into a physical altercation. I quickly assessed the situation, instructed my team to contain the area, and diffused the tension by separating the individuals involved while directing attendees to safety. By staying calm and taking decisive action, we managed to resolve the situation without anyone getting seriously hurt."

"Impressive," Alex replies, nodding slightly. "Crisis management is crucial in this line of work. However, this event poses different challenges. The guest list includes individuals from various industries, some of whom may have past grievances. We need to be prepared for anything."

"Of course," Jasmine agrees, her mind racing with the implications. "I'm also aware of the need for discretion. If any sensitive information arises during the event, I understand the importance of keeping it confidential."

Alex's expression shifts slightly, a flicker of approval crossing his features. "Confidentiality is critical, especially given the nature of our attendees. Now, I need to ask you a more personal question. Why do you want to work for Walt Industries?"

Jasmine hesitates for just a moment, weighing her words carefully. "I admire the innovative work that Walt Industries is doing and the impact it has on the community. I believe in contributing to a safer environment for events that bring people together, and I want to be part of something meaningful."

Alex's gaze sharpens, and Jasmine can sense that he's probing deeper, searching for any hint of insincerity. "Interesting. But I wonder, does your connection to Mark Wyler influence your desire to work here?"

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