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Malias pov
It was six in the morning I was sleeping peacefully when I got a call waking me up. "Hello " I say in a sleepy confused voice. " hey Malia" it was my manager "oh hi is everything okay" I ask still confused on my she was calling me so early. " yes everything's ok we need you on set in an hour " my manager says. I groan because of how early it is I can already tell it's gonna be a long day. " ok I'll start getting ready " I say tired wanting to go back to sleep but I get up anyways and start getting ready for the day. I show up to set extremely tired and I guess everyone noticed cuz they all looked at me. "You okay malia you look tired" ruby rose turner said looking at her friend who looked like she got no sleep. "Yeah im ok im just really tired today Malia says walking to her trailer. While waiting for her time to shoot a scene she heard a knock on her trailer door when she opened it she saw her cast mate Kylie. "Oh hi Kylie" Malia said letting Kylie in shutting the door behind her "hi Malia what you up to" Kylie asks sitting on the little couch in her trailer. "Nothing much just waiting for my time to shoot I'm sooo tired though" Malia said plopping down on the couch next to Kylie curling into her. "Aw did you sleep last night " Kylie said looking at the tired girl next to her." Barley I was up all night studying for a test" Malia says Kylie understood with Malia still being in high school it can be hard at times. Some time passes and the girls were talking when there was a knock on Malias trailer but before Malia could say anything the trailer door opened. It was the director "girls it's time to shoot " the director says separating the two. " how did you know I was in here " Kylie says surprised but not to surprised at the same time because we're always together. "Because you two never leave each others side now let's go we need you two" the director says walking out the trailer, the two girls follow directions and go to set. After a couple of scenes me and Kylie finally get a break which I'm so happy about because I'm exhausted I guess Kylie notices and she calls me over to where she was sitting. "Come here Mimi " Kylie says ushering me over, I walk over and she puts her arms around me in a comforting way. " your comfy" I say giggling leaning into her trying to get even more comfortable. "I'm glad I'm comfortable" Kylie says giggling. We sit there for a couple of minutes when suddenly the director walks over to where we're sitting . "Girls we need you again and stop cuddling you can cuddle at home" the director says looking down at them but the girls just laugh and look at each other before getting up and going to film.

514 words I hope u guys liked my little oneshot I got inspiration from the interview Malia and Kylie did loll

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