School struggles

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Malias pov
I get to set after a long day at school after doing exams and dealing with mean people I walk in and see all my cast mates talking. They all graduated which I can't wait to because then I wont have to be stuck in a school for 8 hours. I walk to my trailer and set my bag on the floor next to my couch as I plop down on it, I look at my phone and see I have 15 minutes before I'm needed on set. "Great I have some time to relax " I say leaning back when suddenly I hear a knock on my trailer door. When I got up to open it I saw it was Kylie my best friend "hey ky" I say in a happy voice but with a hint of sadness in it. "Hey malia are you okay you sound kinda sad" Kylie says looking at me kinda concerned. "Oh um yeah I'm ok" I say lying very badly "Malia I can tell when you lie so tell me what's wrong" Kylie says Scooting closer to me. I sigh and tell her the truth "school has been so stressful and there's some rude kids there making it worse" I say looking at Kylie with a kinda sad expression. Awe Mimi why didn't you tell anyone " Kylie said with a frown "I don't know I didn't want to bother you guys it looked like you guys were having fun" I say turning my body to face Kylie . "You won't bother us Malia we all care about you" Kylie says pulling me in for a hug. "Thank you Kylie " I say returning the hug , we sit there for a bit but was interrupted when we heard a knock on the door. "Come in" I say turning to the door to see who it was, it was our director "we need you on set now girls" the director said looking at me and Kylie. I sigh and get up to start walking to set.
Kylie's pov
I followed malia out of the dressing room keeping a close eye on her I can tell something's bothering her and it's making me worried. We walk into set and I lean over to Malia "are you sure you're up for this? You seem upset" Malia nods " I'm fine, I just need to focus on this scene" staring off to the distance. I continue to keep an eye on Malia noticing her struggle to stay focused. "You got this Malia" I say with a soft smile putting my hand on her shoulder. "Thank you kyky" Malia says smiling at me. I continue to check on her throughout filming, once we're rapped for the day we go to the dressing room to get out of our hair , makeup and costumes. "Thank you for looking out for me today " Malia says as we're walking out of the dressing room. "Your my friend that's what friends are meant to do, now go home and get some sleep" I say giving Malia a hug. "Goodnight Kylie" Malia says hugging me back.
"Goodnight Malia".

521 words! I hope you like this chapter also sorry it took a little bit to post🫶🏻

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