Episode 1: A Hiking We Will Go

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Chris said, "We've been to the island, the movies, around the world, back to the island twice, and moved to a new artificial island. But now we have a whole new cast coming for a chance at the million. Speaking of our contestants, here they come now. The first player to get off the bus was a red-haired girl named Fiona. Chris said, "Fiona, hi." Fiona said, "Hi, Chris. Great to be here." Chris said, "Yeah, and here's Evan and Oliver." Evan walked off the bus with two suitcases, and Oliver walked off the bus with a backpack and a surfboard. Fiona said, "What's with the surfboard?" Oliver said, "I thought it would be good to bring in case this lake gets some waves." The next player to get off the camp bus looked like a rock and roll king. Chris said, "Everyone, this is Carter." The next player to get off was a goth girl with piercings. Fiona pointed at the girl and said, "Who's that?" The girl said, "I'm Lola. And you better pray I miss you in your sleep." Fiona, Evan, Oliver, and Carter got scared by Lola. Chris said, "Ok, drop it, Lola." Lola took off her costume and said, "OK." The others saw she was a girl with long black hair with highlights, and her piercings were fake. Chris said, "Lola here is an actress. She can always stay in character."

Two skateboarders skateboarded off the bus and showed themselves. Chris said, "Well, if it isn't Dana and Logan." Logan said, "What's up?" Dana said, "Cool girl is in the house." Logan said, "Tell me I can have a bed next to hers." Dana slapped Logan for saying that because she didn't want to sleep with him. The following person to walk off the bus was a police officer with a girl in handcuffs carrying a suitcase. The police officer unlocked the girls' handcuffs, got in his car, and left. Chris said, "Everyone, this is Bonnie. As you can see, she was just released from prison."

A boy with a backpack on his back walked off the bus next. Chris said, "Peter, welcome." Peter said, "Glad to be here. And I see the ladies have already arrived." Peter tried hitting on Dana and Fiona, but Dana tossed him into the lake. A beautiful blonde girl wearing sunglasses was the next to get off the bus. The girl said, "Hi, everyone. My name's Emma. Is my sweet ready?" Chris said, "I'll explain that once everyone gets off the bus." A girl wearing all black walked off the bus next. She even had black hair and a black backpack. Chris said, "This is Ingrid. An ace detective at her school and her father's police chief at her hometown's police station." A cheerful boy and a cheerful girl with the same hair color walked off the bus next. The girl said, "I'm Nicole." The boy said, "And I'm Nicolas. Nick for short." Nicole said, "We are so happy to be here with all of you." Nicholas said, "Totally. After all, we love everyone, especially each other." Nicole said, "You said it best, Nick." Nicholas said, "I bet you can say it better, Nicole." Chris stopped them from talking by clapping in their faces and told them to line up with the others. The contestants then heard somebody say, "Out of my way." Then they saw a blonde girl with a suitcase get off the bus. Chris said, "This is Helga, everybody." Helga scowled and then pushed Chris down so he would get out of her way. When she put her suitcase down, it hurt Logan's foot. Logan said, "Ouch. What's in there? Barbells?" Helga said, "Yes." A boy with a drawing pad and suitcase walked off the bus next. Chris said, "Ivan. Artistic as always."

Ivan then lined up with the others and started to draw the bus on his drawing pad. A boy with a guitar case walked off the bus next. Chris said, "Ryan. Welcome to camp." Fiona said, "Hey, maybe you could play for us sometime." Ryan said, "Maybe." Henry. A creepy nerd girl who was a genius got off the bus next. Chris said, "Welcome, Olivia." Chris said, "Here's Tristan and Rosey." Tristan and Rosey walked off the bus and held hands like a couple. The other contestants also saw Tristan looked handsome and Rosey was beautiful. A boy with a backpack walked off the bus next. Chris said, "Everyone, this is Tommy. He's a born leader and has led many groups where he comes from. Next up is Frida." Frida got off the bus, and everyone saw that she looked beautiful and blonde. Frida pointed at her tiara and said, "I hope you guys don't mind me bringing along my latest beauty pageant tiara." Henry said, "Or me bringing along my pet chicken." Henry's pet chicken then clucked while he held it and his bag on his arm. Chris said, "This is Henry. A farm boy who loves farming and working with animals." The next person to walk off was a goth girl wearing black. Monica said, "Hi, everyone." Chris said, "Monica, welcome. And the last person, Arnold." Arnold left the bus last, and everyone saw him carrying a suitcase and a violin case.

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