CH 5

21 1 40

Richard's POV

Honestly, I didn't expect him to accept this job so easily. I thought he would be stubborn and get on my nerves. But without any hesitation he said yes.

You might be wondering why I'm so behind this guy. Truth to be told, I would've left this situation long back. I mean what business do I have with Kevin anyways? Apart from our partners cheating on us, we had no connection.

Kevin isn't a bad guy. In fact I feel sorry for the dude. But the way he keeps defending that cheating fraud boils my blood. How naive can a human be? Not like I was the smartest guy either, for two years even I was a lovesick fool. But I won't go around defending someone's trust breaking actions like he does.

Like I said, we both had zero connections and to be honest, I wasn't even interested in him. But when I checked Xavier's bank statements while clearing up everything and saw that he transferred the amount to a business, I got suspicious. From that I found out Ethan's company and then what? I got my sources to get every single information about Ethan and Kevin.

You see I don't let people escape without paying off their debts. Kevin just happens to be the unlucky man who is paying for his late husband's sins. I sound and look cruel but I can't help it. It's high time the amount is paid back to me.

And I don't mean physical cash, 2.5 million is nothing for me. This is just to make that innocent bambi realize that he's being too naive and if he wants to survive then he has to first accept that his husband was a cheating bastard. Mine wasn't any better.

Today is day one of Kevin being my personal secretary. I was busy waiting for him to join the morning breakfast since he decided to continue sleeping. Being late on the first day of work isn't very professional.

While sipping my coffee and reading through mails, someone hurriedly opened the bedroom door and there he was, messy hair, puffed up cheeks and a rather simple corporate outfit.

"I-I'm sorry, my alarm didn't go off and I-
"Very unprofessional of you being late on the first day of work Mr. Charles. I'm letting this slide today but I won't entertain this again". I strictly explain, secretly enjoying the nervousness on his face.

"Yes sir, I promise this won't happen". He says and simply stands in front of the table, "I appointed you as my secretary, not my maid servant. Sit and finish your breakfast, we're getting late anyways". He nodded and sat down.

After about 20 minutes, he was done. "Let's go. The file on the table has my schedule for today and from now on you have to make note of everything, got it?"

"Yes sir".

So obedient.


We reach the office and while in the lift, I could feel that he was gonna burst out of nervousness. I don't blame him, from operating a bakery to joining a high reputed company like this is not so easy to adjust to.

"I can sense that you're gonna explode out of anxiety. Don't worry, I'll teach you everything you need to know bambi". His breath slightly hitched but he composed himself before nodding. I internally scoff, enjoying every moment of this.

He reach my floor and enter my cabin. When I turned back to say something, he was already staring at the cabin like a kid visiting the amusement park for the first time. I purposely cough to catch his attention.

"If you're done admiring, shall we get to work?" "O-Of course....umm so your schedule is-

Yep he drops the file, "oh no! I'm so sorry". I close my eyes and sigh. This is going to be exhausting and fun. He picks up the papers and starts reading out my schedule.

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