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Black smoke lifted through the chimney in a looming cloud as the deep scent of sizzling bacon wafted into the demon's nostrils. Fat crackled and steel hissed beneath the prickling fire as the kitchen filled itself with the alluring aromas of smoked sausage, baked bread, and honey and cinnamon wrapped in freshly made crepes until they oozed from the sides. Each time he had finished a dish, the blinding shadow that he could never eclipse would peer over his shoulder with a new inquiry.

The angel, who had introduced herself as Ralgin, had practically connected herself to him as soon as she popped out of her halo, or more accurately, squeezed herself out in a horrifying display of flexibility until she was a mere cadaver on his floor. Either way, it was a shock to his system and made his already strange morning into a nightmare. For not only had he woken up late, but now an angel sculpted in the likeness of a devil wouldn't leave, whilst the real devil could awaken at any moment - and why is she trying to make small-talk?

"Ooh, it smells so delicious, how'd you make it?" She exclaimed with a sickly rising enthusiasm. Maybe if he ignored her then she'll disappear again? She did it once when he directed the children to move the dining table out into the garden. Though it was under the pretence of enjoying the remnants of the warm weather before Autumn set in.

"You-hoo, Feimo, did your brain die?" A glowing hand waved across his face and shook him out of his trance. Half a lemon had been crushed in his palm and covered his pink apron in a spray of juice.

"Nope, I'm still very much alive inside... For now. Why're you here again?" He asked with some exasperation. Was this how C'thelli felt when she had to deal with him? An age old enemy obscured by time only to be dumped in his lap? No wonder she threw the clipboard at him.

"I told you already, silly! C'thelli released my halo from my jar." She pointed up towards the glowing ring floating atop her head as she continued, "I gifted it to her after the war in case she needed help. So now I'm here, ready to bake bread and crush the skulls of her enemies!" The last part came out in a low growl as sharpened teeth erected into a massive grin that wiped out any confidence he had left.

"Ok... Can you go back into the jar now? There are no enemies here."

"Nope, you're stuck with me. Oh, who's that?" She chirped as the backdoor emitted a knock. Without warning, the handle twisted and began to open. Thinking fast, he reached up and snatched her halo and lobbed it into the sitting room leaving her with little choice but to give chase as Vivian leaned into the kitchen, beady eyes blinking.

"Hey, Vivian, everything ok?" He asked with a nervous grin slapped across his face.

"Yeah, just wanted to ask how long you'll be. Robin and Algie have already run off to practice spells or something, and I only have patience for Hanley's antics for so long." Suddenly a crash erupted from the living room and horror flared in his eye as he witnessed Ralgin twirling her halo on a fire-poker. "What was that?" The wraith questioned as she made to enter.

With a panicked hand, he stopped her, "It's probably just Robin - you know how she is with that magic - always making a mess! I'll clean up once you're fed, hopefully that'll settle 'em."

"Ok... Just don't take too long. Algie's even more brutal when she's hungry." She said with a wink, or was it a blink - trink? He'll never understand why she had so many eyes. No matter, she phased through the door and almost instantly called out to Hanley, who was doing lord knows what. Maybe he was trying to handstand on his antlers or something.

It's certainly how he felt as the angel came charging back in with the fire-poker in hand. "En garde!" She chirped mischievously. The humoured glint in her yellow eye was like a gargoyle's punch to the face. "Why do you have to look like that?" He asked as he turned away to plate up the piles of food onto the plates.

C'thelli's Demonic Orphanage (Completed and Editing)Where stories live. Discover now