counts castle

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Dear love of my life

You were the best thing that happened to me
But also the worst

(Really hope that couplet made sense)


The stay at Mr Poe's house was not so great. his wife didn't make her feel any better cause instead of making her feel better. she made her feel worse by putting her in the front of the newspaper, talking about the fire

Which only worsens her depressive state

And the 2 sons weren't any better.
Asking as to how she set her house on fire.

Which quite offended her

So with the treatment of Mr. poes family She was quite excited to see Count olaf and his apparent castle

But unfortunately, that didn't last long

Mr. poe couldn't stop talking about the fact that he wished his parents were actors.
Wiched, made stella a bit happier and more excited

"I can promise you, Rosenberg, that when you see counts castle, your seires of fortunate events will soon start," Mr poe said. (Oh, the dramatic irony)

"I hope so, Mr poe," Stella said, excited to see her untold relative

But once she got to the 'castle', her mouth was left wide open at the sight.

The house was big, yes, but it looked abandoned and in horrible condition

Mr. poe had to knock on the door a couple of times in order for Count olaf to realise that they were at his door

"Arrogant must I say," mumbled stella

"Oh hush ms rosenburg. Now I know it's not up to your standards, but it's still a house. "
Mr. poe said in a scolding manner
That made stella roll her eyes

Soon count olaf came it

"Hello hello hello orphan"

Said count olaf he had one eye brow and horrible hair in her opinion

"Please come in. Please rub your shoes on the way in dont wanna track in any mud and not to mention you enormous fortune. And that bakery. I've always had a love for baked goods. "

Mr. poe had to cut him off

"Welcome to the counts castle orphan."

Mr. poe then walked in

"And man dressed like a banker"
Count olaf said quite appalled

"I am a banker. From mulctuary money management"

"Money. Rings a bell, " Count olaf said

"The bank," Mr. poe sighed

"Okay then.. the bank welcome to my castle. "

"Bit dirty for a castle." Stella spat at him

"Miss rosenburg, don't be rude!" Mr. poe scolded," though I must say she has a point. Quite grimy no offence"

why didn't you say anything?| why didn't you?| klaus baudelaire x female ocWhere stories live. Discover now