Chapter 2

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Lily's heart skipped a beat at the unexpected sight. The man's sudden appearance had caught her off guard, and she found herself momentarily at a loss for words. He looked at her intently, his gaze holding hers without wavering. It was almost as though he had been watching her curiosity unfold, waiting for the right moment to reveal himself.

"Who... who are you?" Lily managed to stammer, her voice betraying her still-racing heart.

The man didn't respond immediately, his gaze still fixed on Lily's. A hint of a smile tugged at the corners of his lips, as if he found her reaction amusing. After a few moments, he spoke, his voice deep and calm.

"My name is... unimportant," he said, the words coming out as a slow rumble. "What matters is why I'm here."

Lily furrowed her brow, her confusion and curiosity battling for domination.

"Why are you here, then?" she asked, her voice steadier now, a hint of determination in her eyes.

The man leaned against the car, his composure relaxed, as if he was enjoying the situation. His gaze never left hers, the intensity still present despite his casual pose.

"I'm here for you, never mind visiting my friend now" he said simply.

Lily's eyes widened at the man's straightforward statement. "For me? What?" she repeated, a mixture of surprise and suspicion in her voice. "What do you want from me?"

The man's smile widened slightly, an enigmatic expression on his face. He pushed himself off the car and took a step closer to her, closing the distance between them. He was now so close that she could see the flecks of gold in his eyes, and something in them made her heart race again.

The man closed the distance further, standing so close to Lily that she could feel the heat from his body. His eyes, which had held an enigmatic expression earlier, were now filled with a depth of emotion that intrigued and unsettled her at the same time.

Slowly, he raised his fingers, gently tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear, his touch lingering just a moment longer than necessary. A hint of a smile played on his lips as he observed her reaction.

"You're beautiful, you know that?" the man murmured, his fingers still playing with that loose strand of hair, his eyes roaming over her features. "Beautiful, and fascinating."

Lily felt her cheeks flush at the unexpected compliment. Here was this stranger, a man she had never met before, paying her attention in a way no one had ever done. It was both flattering and unnerving.

Lily took a deep breath, forcing her nervousness aside. She needed answers, and she wasn't going to get them if she didn't ask.

"You said you're visiting your friend," she began, her voice steady despite the pounding of her heart. "Who are you looking for?"

The man arched an eyebrow, surprised but not discouraged by her question.

"Yeah, I'm visiting a friend," he said, his tone casual but the look in his eyes sharp. "He used to live around here. And my name is..." he paused, a sly smile appearing on his face. "That's not something

Lily waited impatiently for him to continue, her eyes fixed on his. His refusal to give his name was frustrating, adding a layer of mystery to an already puzzling situation.

Seeing her eagerness and impatience, the man chuckled softly. "Alright," he relented, his smile widening. "I suppose I can share my name. It's Kai. Kai Thompson."

Saying it aloud somehow made the situation seem more real, more significant. Lily mulled over the name in her mind, trying to place it.

"Kai..." Lily repeated, testing the name on her tongue. It was a strong, masculine name, befitting the man standing before her.

The man - Kai - chuckled again, as if he found her reaction amusing. "Yes, that would be my name," he confirmed, crossing his arms casually. "I hope that satisfies your curiosity for now."

Lily wasn't entirely satisfied. Kai's nonchalance only increased her curiosity. "And who is this friend you're visiting?" she asked, trying to keep her voice steady.

Kai seemed to ponder on whether or not to answer, the smile still playing on his lips. After a few moments, he spoke again, his tone light, but there was a hint of seriousness in his words.

"His name is Aiden. Aiden West."

"Aiden West..." Lily echoed, the name unfamiliar to her. She racked her brain trying to recall anyone in the neighborhood with that name but came up empty. "I don't think I know anyone by that name."

Kai's smile widened a tad, his eyes studying her. "You wouldn't," he said simply. "He moved away a few years ago."

The revelation of Kai's friend's absence confused Lily further. "If he moved away, then... why are you visiting now?" she asked, her brow furrowing.

Kai chuckled again, enjoying her questions a little too much, it seemed. "Sometimes people leave only to come back," he answered cryptically.

Hii again! I'm drinking milo right now so if you guys want some, just let me know 😘🤭

Thank you for taking your time reading the first two parts of the story and I hope that you guys will keep reading the next parts too :)

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