Part 5

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I seemed to have had a nightmare.

Shen Qi Huai was strangling my neck, his eyes bloodshot:

"It's all your fault! It's all your fault! You stole my life using my name!"

I was choked and couldn't breathe, but could only mutter:

"Sorry... Sorry..."

"I didn't... want to steal..."

"Shen Qi An!"


"Shen Qi An! Wake up!"

I suddenly opened my eyes, and Lu Jin An's face came into view, he seemed to have been scared, with hurried tears at the corners of his eyes.

He didn't care about my sweat-soaked clothes, and tightly embraced me:

"Don't be afraid, Qi An, I'm here."

His voice was so strong, but why did it tremble?

A sense of surviving a calamity rose from the bottom of my heart, I hugged Lu Jin An back as if grasping a lifeline.

"Qi An, don't be afraid, it's all over."

I cried out loud in Lu Jin An's arms, he just looked at me tenderly, and then kissed away the tears from my eyes.

After I calmed down, I curled up in bed with Lu Jin An, he held me tightly, as if this could make me feel a bit better.

"My brother passed away, and the inheritance is gone, actually, I feel it's nothing, it's just returning to the life I had before being brought back."

"But, when I think about the brother who did everything he could to make my life a bit better from childhood, and in the end, only I was by his side during his terminal cancer, and I didn't even see him for the last time, I kind of break down."

"I also don't know why I got sick, I saved money to see a doctor, the doctor told me to be hospitalized, I didn't go, now in this world I'm alone, and I hate hospitals."

"I had the doctor prescribe some medicine, and I just came back, I rely on these drugs at night when I can't sleep, and also when I have episodes."

Hearing my words, Lu Jin An tenderly stroked my face, kissing my forehead:

"Do you have anything you like?"

Lu Jin An asked this question again, looking at his sincere eyes, feeling his tightly grasping hands, for the first time, I wanted to tell him my true thoughts:

"I like... painting."


Since that night, my relationship with Lu Jin An seemed to improve.

I would still occasionally go to his company to bring him lunch, and he would always order his secretary to take me via a special elevator.

Arriving at the office, he would always come out to greet me, and the moment the office door closed, I would be kissed thoroughly.

"After lunch, I'll have the secretary take you to the hospital, I'll come over later."

I obediently nodded, took the initiative to tiptoe up, and kissed him, while Lu Jin An wrapped his arms around my waist and deepened the kiss.

I followed the secretary to the hospital, Lu Jin An had ordered his secretary that I didn't want to stay at the hospital, so a bunch of medicines were prescribed and I returned to the villa.

Lu Jin An hadn't come back yet, I prepared dinner in the kitchen in advance.

Maybe I was a bit focused, I didn't even hear Lu Jin An closing the door and entering the room, he hugged me from behind, and I jumped in fright.

"Why don't you make any noise when you walk?"

Lu Jin An buried his head in the nape of my neck, his voice muffled:

"You were too focused."

"Tomorrow, I'll give you a surprise, Qi An."

"Huh? What is it?"

I turned off the stove's fire, turning to look at Lu Jin An.

He teased my nose with a flick, laughing:

"If a surprise is told, is it still a surprise?"

I laughed, no longer asking, but my eyes couldn't hide my anticipation.


As usual, I went to find Lu Jin An at noon, usually after we had lunch together I would leave, but today Lu Jin An held my hand, looking pitifully at me:

"Qi An, can you stay with me a bit longer today?"

Looking at this puppy-like expression, I couldn't help but laugh out loud.


Lu Jin An had set up an easel in his office, with all kinds of high-end paints placed beside it.

"Paint and pass the time this afternoon, I'll take you out for dinner after I'm done with work."


Painting supplies are expensive, although Shen Qi Huai would give me money while I was in the orphanage, painting costs were too high, I couldn't go and make demands on Shen Qi Huai, I could only use the money from my part-time jobs to buy some not-so-good paints and canvases.

I kept this wish in my heart, only occasionally in some random deep nights using a little leftover paint to soothe myself.

I sat in front of the easel, while Lu Jin An sat behind his desk and started working.

I pondered what to paint, and glancing up at the huge floor-to-ceiling window, I was inspired.

The afternoon passed quickly, around 7 PM, Lu Jin An finished his work, and he tiptoed to my side.

The grandeur of the city at night through the huge floor-to-ceiling window was displayed on the canvas, and behind the window, Lu Jin An's tall figure stood there.

"Is this what you imagined to paint?"

This scene wasn't my imagination, but a reality I had truly seen when we were together.

But facing Lu Jin An, I couldn't say that.

"Um, I imagined what you might look like standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, and somehow it turned out like this."

"It looks good."

I looked into Lu Jin An's eyes, there was no flattery there, just sincere affirmation. 

In the Depth of the Forest, Eventually, a Deer Is Seen [BL]Where stories live. Discover now