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"This way! I will hand you over to Sarah Carter. Since the art teacher isn't keeping well, she's having a substitution class now....", Nadia said. Sarah rushed towards us, and asked me to follow her. When I entered the botany lab, I saw professor Mavis, sitting on the teacher's chair, correcting a few books. She then looked up at me and said, "Catherine, I have saved you a seat beside Jordan". I sat beside her. "Hello! ", Jordan exclaimed. I greeted her back with a smile. We opened our books, and got ready for the lesson.
The lesson we are reading now is 'The Glow Flower'. A boring lesson.... All the students were yawning, while few were already asleep. "Okay now! Activity time!!", Mavis shouted. 'Finally.... ', I thought to myself. She gave each of us a seed. "Let's all plant this 'Glow Flower' seed today.... First, make a small hole in the black soil, with the help of your finger. Now, put the seed in.... Water it up! And voila! We did it!We need to give this plant plenty of sunlight and care.... Let's go to the green house and place our plants in the glass shed. Follow me everyone!!", Mavis exclaimed. We followed her out to the WICKED GREEN HOUSE, we took a few supplies along with us, and we headed to the WICKED GLASS SHED. We placed our plants there, and smoothed the soil. We added a few drops of water with a dropper. We left the green house and returned back to the botany lab. "Take good care of the plants with extra love!! We don't want the plants to perish, now do we?", professor Mavis said, sternly. Ring! Ring! The school bell rang. All the students rushed out the lab. As I was running, I bumped into someone. "Look where you're going, Freaky!!", he shouted. I looked up to see who it was....