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"Hello Freaky!! Watcha' doin' here?", Markus quizzed me. I saw a few unfamiliar faces beside him.... A few girls, and a few boys.... I didn't waste my time replying to him , instead I punched his stupid, little face, and zoom! I ran away from there. Suddenly, Nadia stopped me and said, "Follow me Catherine.... ", she dragged me to the main hall. There, I saw a few students standing. I also saw Trix, and another girl with her. They were talking seriously about something.... I rushed towards them, and greeted my sister. "Hey sissy!! Meet my new friend Martha Angelo, she's a Mermaid. She's 13 years old and is from Italy! She moved to Olympia when she was 9!", Trix said, cheerfully. "Hello!", I greeted Martha. Martha waved at me and said "I am the prefect of the Alohas.... You all are here to get sorted into your houses....". I looked at her perplexed, before Principal Hawkins started explaining about the it. "All the students present here will now be sorted into your houses.... There will be a few tests conducted right now. The house masters and mistresses, and the student council, will help you through these tests.... Best of luck to all the students here! Let the test begin!!", our principal announced.


"Welcome to the
house test!! I am Diana Ariana, the prefect of the 'Riccies'. the test is to find your way out of this maze.... All the best to all the participants!! Let the challenge begin!!", Diana shouted. We all entered the maze. The maze was indeed huge.... I zoomed to the left, and found a clue, that said:

I sparkle, show the way.... Through the huge, dark maze.... On the thick, green bushes I lie.... Like a guiding star of light....


I read the clue over and over again. Suddenly, the bushes started to move closer to the path way. I rushed to the right, only to find a dead end... I then, ran to the left. It was completely dark there. I didn't know what to do... Then, I remembered something.... A word at the end of the clue.... I ran back to the light. the path was almost closing. I re-read the clue. There I found a word at the bottom right corner. It was 'Lucis'. The path started closing faster. The bushes now started crushing me. I was almost squashed, until I found something hard. It was a branch! Luckily, I pulled myself out of those magical bushes. "Lucis!", I shouted. All the flowers on the bushes sparkled and spreaded the light around me.... I was quite fascinated.... I turned around and observed that there was no turning back from the maze once entered. I started searching for the second clue. After a while, I found it suspended high on a branch. I couldn't reach it. Suddenly, a monster emerged from the bushes.... It growled at me. Frightened, I started running. I then got an idea. I plucked a few of these 'sparkling flowers' and showed them to the monster. It halted it's steps and looked at the flowers. I had read in a book that most of the monsters loved 'shiny and sparkling things'. I then slowly walked towards the bush with the shiny flowers, and then swiftly I threw it in there. The monster fell for it, and I took it as a chance for my escape.


I ran and ran through the maze, until I found a small hut. I entered the hut and found a dusty, old chest. To my surprise it was locked. I searched for the key. Then something unexpected happened, the hut started shrinking. I quickened my pace. I searched in the fireplace, the books, but in vain. The room continued to shrink alarmingly. Suddenly, I spotted a strange painting. It wasn't actually a painting. A dusty old photo frame, but with neither paintings nor photos. I removed the painting from the wall, and there I found a dusty key. Quickly, I rushed and opened the chest. I found a shiny, silver sword. I took it and then I figured out the way out. I saw a lock on the book rack. I used the same key to unlock it, and it worked. I ran across several rooms and hallways, until I reached a room. There I saw Nadia, sitting on the chair. "Congratulations Catherine! You completed the test. You are sorted to the 'Aurora House'.... Well done!!", Nadia exclaimed cheerfully.


I couldn't believe that I had finally passed the test!!


WICKED (BOOK 1) - THE WITCH OF ALASKAWhere stories live. Discover now