These boots were not made for walking

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1 month later...

Alrighty, so I have stacks of issues piling up behind me. Now when I say issues I mean people, never been a fan, I've never been known to be a social butterfly. Man I got bloody; demons, hunters, FBI, all after me.
I swear I never thought meeting the Winchesters would set the match on that long line of rope I left behind me, whoops. Oh well, they want me that bad they'll find me. I know the demons won't get close until someone else makes the first move on me; they're too scared of me. Hunters have probably never heard of me till now so they have no idea what they're getting themselves into. FBI won't find me, hell they can try but the only way they would is if they start believing in ghosts and vampires and demons etc. So really, the only real problem I have is Sam and Dean Winchester.
Their father raised them well, getting everyone looking for me makes it easier for them to track me. That guy always was a pain in my hind.
I first met him when I was about 14, I was on a hunt and I ran into him while talking to one of the victims kids. He followed me around a little after that; concerned that a 14yr old was hunting on her own, sweet right. Yeah well that changed, the bastard saw something he shouldn't have and then tried to kill me before I had the chance to explain. We bumped heads a few times after that; until he died of course. Poor sod, selling his soul for his son, sappy.

Well here I am, another day, another hunt. Well it might be a hunt, I may have found some omens in a small town called Elizabethville, Ohio; lightning, barometric pressure drop and a couple of dead guys by the names of Andy Johnson and Tony Parkens.

I walk up the steps of the church, my boots tapping against the concrete. Father Gil knew the latest victim and also watched him blow his brains out so I hope he can give me some insight on what's going on here. I open the door to the church only to have my jacket get caught on the handle ripping it at the seams; damn it, I only got this jacket a week ago, it cost me a fortune too. "Crap," I mutter under my breath as I remove the jacket and exam it, walking through the entrance of the church.
"Well thank you father, preciate your time," I hear a man say, his voice is familiar but I can't quiet place it. I turn the corner, coat draped over my arm. I hear another voice whispering, it's also familiar, "Two months ago we open up the devils gate and all of a sudden this town turns into margaritaville, that's no coincidence." I gasp slightly and I look in the direction of the voices to see Sam and Dean Winchester. Damn it, first the traffic, then my coat and now I have to deal with the Winchesters.

"Well, well, look what we found," Dean smirks as they both walk a little faster towards me. "Hey guys," I smile backing up and out the door onto the steps. "We were wondering when you'd show up again," Sam grinned pulling out the colt from his waist band, holding it discreetly by his side. I may not be a demon but that thing can still kill me. "Ah well, I was passing through and heard you were in town, I thought I'd pay you a visit, give you a hand with the case," I keep smiling and backing down the steps carefully.

"I'm pretty sure we just found the case," Dean's smirk disappears and they both move forward to grab me. I dodge their prying hands but as I do I lose my footing and fall on my ass.
"Damn these boots," I groan. A few people passing by stop to watch the commotion. "Gotta watch your step in heels," Dean smiles, holding out his hand and eyeing the people watching us. "Thanks," I groan again and let him help me to my feet. "Let us give you a ride," Sam gestures to their impala parked behind me, far out, how did I not see that there before? If I don't they'll follow me and just find some other way to get me away from the crowd, at least this way it will look less odd.
"That would be nice, thanks," I smile letting Sam open the back door for me to slide in. The boys get in and Dean drives off. Sam turns to me from the front passenger seat, the colt pointed towards me. "Give me one reason why we shouldn't shoot you right now," Sam scowls.

"I'm not a demon you morons," I smirk sitting back and getting comfortable.
"You know for someone with a gun pointing at them, you're pretty calm," Dean says looking at me through the rear-view mirror. I laugh slightly, "Yeah well, as much as that thing can still kill me, at least it's not for the reason you guys think," I sigh as I lift my left boot to sit it on my knee, unzipping it and slipping it off. Jeez these boots are driving me crazy; I knew I should have gotten the bigger size.

"Who told you I was a demon anyway? That bitch with the blonde hair?" I ask taking the other boot off and dropping them on the floor of the impala.

"Her name is Ruby and yeah she did," Sam answers still holding the gun towards me. I sigh again and lean forward slightly, "Look Sammy, I'm like you," I start explaining.
"What do you mean like me?" he asks, curiosity taking over his face. I see Dean look at me again in the mirror his expression is more fear than curiosity; don't think he likes the sound of that.
"I'm like you. You know the whole demon blood, soldier of the yellow eyed demon, champions, yada yada yada," I explain further. Dean slams the breaks and pulls over on the street and Sam quickly puts the gun away.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2015 ⏰

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