Bullies (hurt/comfort)

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Red had come through the door looking upset and had a black eye.

Chloe looked up from her homework and her eyes widened in worry.

"Omg Red what happened?!" Chloe said rushing to her girlfriend's side.

Red wants to tell Chloe the truth but will see think she's crazy too?

"Nothing, I just fell down the stairs" Red lied which thankfully worked.

"Oh, well let's get you patched up" Chloe said and Red internally let out a sign of relief that Chloe bought the lie.

Everyday Red came back to the dorm with more and more bruises and always lie to Chloe about where she got them from.

Chloe was getting more and more worried with each lie Red told her and figured out that she's lying and wants to know where she really gets those bruises from but know Red won't tell her since she hates opening up.

The next day.

Red was late to History class which would not be surprising if it wasn't twenty minutes late.

Chloe raised her hand.

"Yes, Chloe?" The history teacher answered.

"May I go to the bathroom please?" Chloe asked and the teacher let her go.

Red went the opposite way of the bathroom and heard a commotion so she followed the sound.

Chloe could not believe her eyes.

"Go back to Wonderland freak" a blond girl said.

"Yeah, no one wants to catch your weirdness" A ravenette said.

Chloe saw Red(pun not intended) and black out, next thing she know the girls were on the ground and her hands were bloody.

"If you ever come near Red again I'll break every bone in your body" Chloe threatened.

"Scram!" She told the mean girls and they ran away.

Chloe turned to Red with concern in her eyes.

"Red, are you okay?" Chloe asked worriedly.

"Yeah... but are you?" Red lied but asked Chloe.

"Yes, I'll wash the blood out but let's get you to the nurse's office" Chloe told her and picked up Red easily which made Red's face turn crimson.

"What's wrong?Cat got your tongue?" Chloe teased on the way to the nurse office.

"S-shut up" Red said but Chloe just smirked.

Chloe dropped Red at the nurse office and was about to leave before she grabbed her hand.

"Don't go..."Red whimpered out.

Chloe's eyes softened.

"I'm just going to see principle Uma so be patient princess" Chloe reassured before leaving to go to the Principle office, not before washing her hands go.

She knocked on the door and went inside.

"Yes Miss Charming" Uma said as she looked up.

"I would like to confess a terrible thing I've done" Chloe started.

"And that might be?" Uma raised her eyebrow.

Chloe explained to Uma and Cinderella was called.

After an hour or two Cinderella arrived.

"What did you call me here for Principle Uma?is Chloe okay? is she getting bullied?" Cinderella asked.

"Quite the opposite" Uma said.

"Mom, I did a terrible thing" Chloe said.

Cinderella raised her eyebrow.

"Some b-girls" Chloe cut herself off from cursing, "were bullying Red and so the next thing I knew I blacked out and when I could see again the bullies were on the ground and there was blood on my hands, I'm sorry for disappointing you" Chloe explained and looked away.

Cinderella's eyes softened.

"Sweetheart... you didn't disappoint me or your father, you got into a fight for self defense of your friend and that's alright, only use your fighting skills for self-defense of yourself and others" Cinderella told her.

Chloe smiled and hugged her mom.

"Thank you mom" Chloe said.

"Your welcome sweetie" Cinderella replied.

"Chloe, you and Red are getting a pass for the day" Uma said as she wrote something on a paper.

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